I see.
Also textures load in DaEditor now. Thanks!
Finished the last translation part. · GaijinEntertainment/DagorEngine@18bb954 (github.com)
By the way…the doc of blender plugin, dag4blend, has been updated.
That’s good news. They might update it to blender 4 maybe?
Yes. The plugin is for Blender 4
BTW for textures…Have you tried to convert them to .dds in asset viewer, or run daBuild to build these assets?
You need to convert the textures to ddsx and pack them into DXP. This is done automatically in the asset viewer when exporting:
DaBuild worked too, but assetviewer export is simpler
To fix DaEditor’s assetviewer add weather preset into _av.blk under develop/.asset-local/_av.blk
And select preset under environment settings:
dag4blend now works with Blender 4.1:
Download the Blender addon here: https://github.com/GaijinEntertainment/DagorEngine/releases/download/dagor_2024_01_02/dag4blend.zip
Documentation: DagorEngine/_docs/dag4blend_inst/dag4blend_inst.md at main · GaijinEntertainment/DagorEngine · GitHub
This specifically also supports Enlisted.
Just tried some interior scene with Dagor(open source edition). Lack some textures(also snapdragon super sampling is on). Looks promising?
Did you use Blender? If yes, could you please explain the steps on how to get a model to export correctly?
I just cannot figure it out. I always get different errors, or just get an empty DAG file.
It also seems like dag4blend cannot export larger modelds (64k vertices was the recommended limit for 3dsmax addon)
I exported this with 3dsmax.
I could export before but textures is a problem.
Minor news:
Source 2 Engine games levels can be decompiled and exported into Blender, which also means can be exported into Enlisted potentially. You could also make maps in Hammer 2 and then export that into Enlisted.
This also includes workshop levels for CS2 for example. Thousands of maps as mods within minutes*
*not including fixup time
Does this work on sandbox?
Like if I use modPacker.bat and then upload the zip onto sandbox, will enlisted load the mission (i mean the custom level.blk)? Or it just refuses
Does this work on sandbox?
Textures are not recognized by game, or server. Only model import works. In DaEditor, not sandbox.
When we get texture support, i will rewrite this guide, as a lot has happened, and got a little bit more experienced with the tools.