With the roadmap released and a new Pacific map incoming, what do you think we will see?
Peleliu would be great, between the iconic airfield and bloody nose ridge it’ll be an intense map.
Iwo Jima, an obvious choice where few (if any) video games attempted to create
Or judging by other map releases, we could very well see a generic map, possibly based in the Philippines…
What are your thoughts on what will be released?
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Probably a Philippines map, but Iwo Jima would be pretty cool. We might get more than one though.
I’d like to see Okinawa with heavy rain, tall grass and japanese shrines landscape
Shuri castle as a map for defending would be lit.
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I want to see papua.
Jungle warfare sounds good
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I can’t decide. I want all of them.
Peleliu, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, Luzon, Manila, New Guinea, Bougainville, Wake Island, so many.
I’m not sure if they want late war maps though, so I think pre-1945 battles are most likely. Then again, they did add the M2 Carbine to the pacific, and in real life it was only used in Okinawa, so who knows.
Id like The Battle of Tarawa Atoll. Mainly because Medal of honor Nostalgia.
Also makes sense as it was the first assault that Japanese offered serious resistance to amphibious landings. (apparantly)

If they add Okinawa I hope we get the M3 carbine.
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I would just like more maps in general but more pacific maps…

Yes pls
Too small and flat
It will be just a massacre
Agreed, although it was rare and the night vision scope on the M3 wasn’t very good. So hopefully they would correctly model the sight picture so it’s not super effective. It would also work best as a gold order weapon.
I’m still waiting for the stinger. It’s already in the game files, please just add it 
Possible, But medal of had plenty of cover via Shell craters, defender obstacles, retainer walls/barriers, trenches, bunkers, destroyed amphibious landers etc etc
I reckon you could jerry rig it for cover

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If they manage to deisgn big and detailed map like first cod waw mission map
The top one, I’m not familiar with the one at the bottom.
It’s just such a cool and unique weapon. From a gameplay perspective, it makes more sense it Normandy since it has the high fire rate to counter German MGs
iwo jima
only terraform and rendist
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The bottom one is a stinger, shoulder fired anti-aircraft missile made and used by the US.
All I want is Invasion of Manchuria. Could it be considered as new Pacific map? I really don’t know
Why is it that the existing Pacific campaign is all about fighting over small enclaves on the ocean?
I can’t help but feel that the development team feels that because it is called “Pacific”, the map must include the ocean.
From the beach, up the hill, into the village, into the ocean again, But take a small island… The existing map has plenty of locations, but on a miniature scale. Thanks to this, the islands in the enclaves are just reef-like in size and not realistic at all. It reminds me of an old FPS (Battlefield 1942 MOH). Why are they fighting over such a rock? I suddenly wonder while playing.
If you watch a movie about the Pacific War, you will rarely see a view like the map in this game. Even though it is an island, the soldiers are fighting on a much larger area of land. I would like to see battles in the vast hilly areas and deep jungles, with the ocean just visible in the distance.
Agreed, especially if they implement uniforms with tree brushes as camouflaged and sniping on top of tree stands