Guardsmen class

afaik alpha test berlin was done in 2020.

such a shame that the vanguard class was ditched.

would have been cool to reduce assault rifles presence instead of… some of them ending up being nerfed to the ground.

by no means, stgs are not inherently bad, but they used to be better.

perhaps it wouldn’t have made a difference, since people will always go for meta.
but it might have been a different meta.

at the same time, similar to shotgunners, they wasn’t really a need to be separated.


So medics? Got it. Lol


I do not see issues with ARs but more with stupid SFs.
Could have solved the issue of SF spam and maybe spread them more among BRs as a result.


Unironically, it sounds very interesting. I’m guessing it consists of Soviet Guard units and Luftwaffe Paratroopers units, but what units would be used for the Americans and Japanese?

Probably also Paratroopers, Marines or Rangers for US. For British, I do not know beyond paratroopers (again) or SAS or Royal Marines.
Regarding Japan, after quick googlle, I found Teishin Shudan/ army paratroopers.

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Having Army Rangers and the Royal Marines as units for the Guardsmen class is perfect.

They could also do SNLFs for Japan as well.

The guardsman class was the nowadays assaulter class and came with the perk “+7,5% more HP” I think.


Yes. this was among many other cut classes from very very early on, guardsman, shotguner And plenty of other ones were cut.