Greyzone Overhauls, both for infantry and tanks

In the case of the train mode, the map does have more open length to it, which is nice, but the width is still lacking. Especially for a constantly moving objective. However, it is starting in the right direction.

I get that, but I ask that you please try to keep this discussion on topic, and referring to standard games.

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and I said it there because Iā€™m proving your point because in the big action mode you can do that type of thing instead of what we have right now but you can do it nonetheless

Paratroopers should specifically be able to drop into the gray zone since the whole purpose of them was to drop ā€œbehind enemy linesā€ and sabotage them. Honestly, why donā€™t they just open up the first 2 or 3 capture zones and have the attackers spawn a little farther away? This gives each team time to build up defenses or offensive structures. I find that the matches throw you into the combat immediately so you always have to build rally points or AT guns under extreme duress. Rally points would become much more attractive if the attackers had a longer march to the enemy point too.