Grenade to take out tanks

In the Russian campaign what grenade will take out a tank on impact…It seems like the Germans hit my tank with one grenade happens all the time…What do the Russians have that is equal if anything…My tanks are getting destroyed by one grenade…


The indicator for TNT is the same as the one for frags (its dumb)

Explosion packs

Got a whole video for it

This is a terrific guide,I play Russian mostly and I don’t know how to use the tnt…what key brings it up? How do you plant( does it stick to a tank? How do you set it off

If PC, No6 button(i believe, by default) and it should appear in your hand, then you sort of drop/place it, then a detonator shows up, and press mouse and it plunges down, and boom, stick not always.
many times i think it stuck to side to blow it up, but tnt back on ground, and tank has moved
and yes, i am standing on top of it, thinking i am safe as tank has moved.

OP obviously talks about impact grenades you fools ; )

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and then asks

He said Impact, then after watching Vid, i assume, asked about TNT
And atm we have Impact, in thread, someone posted a Det pack, and now TNT has been mentioned, apology’s for just answering some one,

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You can cook detpacks
Pull it out, arm it, then count 5/6 missisipis and chuck

I was talking about both…I read somewhere that impact grenades take out tanks but I do not think we have those in Russian campaigns or if we do I cannot find them.


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Detpaks are tnt?
IF so how do you arm it?
or are you speaking about explosion paks…If explosion paks do you arm it by pulling your arm back?

TNT goes into your mine slot, so pressing your mine button brings it up. You just drop it (it only drops at your feet/few inches in front of you) and then you are holding the detonator. You then just press the fire button to push the plunger and watch someone go up in smoke

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Not sure if some console or PC, and as i only know PC, would still be the 6 button, for the TNT and pressing 5 button cycle through Grenades you have, as i normally only carry one, i just press 5

Ah nice to know, i thought i was stuffing up mechanic somehow, on placing/getting them to stick. cheers

“Detpacks” “demo charges” and other names are what other people call the Explosion Pack. TNT is TNT. Explosion Pack and TNT are two entirely separate things in this game. Explosion Pack functions as a grenade and operates identically to one. Cooking fuse and all. TNT is a manual AT Mine that you place and then set off with a detonator

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If you’re right up against the tank, sometimes it’ll stick to the side. Best bet is up underneath or up against the turret on top of the tank

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