Gray zone camping just freaking spawn camped my entire team, tanks could not walk out of freakin spawn wtf

hwdwoshfodsahifoish oWHY WhY WHY WHY


skill issue


Yeah you are pretty bad at the game but what does this have to do with grey zone campers being annoying.

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NOT, why? oh idfk MAYBE IS BECAUSE greyzone EXISTS - some angry player after a greyzone match ruined their day

fr tho, it isnt a skill issue, it never was and never is

I just had a team of 5 guys do this at the coleville map. The spawn point was a bunker with two doors on one side and no other way out. One guy with an mg an what seemed like unlimited ammo killed everyone spawning there for half the game. he had 4 other guys covering him I heard the ‘‘leaving battlefield warning’’’ for him and he didn’t die.

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Please tell us the map you played (where to attack from), the vehicle and the battle settlement picture

the goofy castle map but the settlement right in front of it they grey zone camped onlooking our spawn any vehicles that spawn in instantly get boomed

mounted MGs have unlimited ammo and if the MG get destroyed (by shooting on it) you can replair the platform with an engineer.

Otherwhise if he used an MG from the techtree: if he build 1-2 ammo boxes he have nearly the same “unlimited ammo” to shred.

greyzone tanks can be annoying but there is a solution, specially when playing with mates together: get in a plane and bomb the sh*t out of the tanks in greyzone. 1-2 of you in the planes while the other 2 take care of the object to attack / defend.

you can imagine how well this works and quite often these sort of players left.

It’s not skill issue and it’s not a problem with the gray zone. The entire problem is the spawn locations of both teams, They should not be able to see into each other spawns This has been a long time problem that has been fixed numerous times on various different maps and modes. Yet for some reason we have yet to see this issue getting fixed on every map only on some.

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If you need more than one player to focus on taking out a tank - then the tank has already caused you to lose 2 players from playing the objective.


Usually only one is enough
Most normal people can use infantry to defeat a tank that is not too far from the combat zone in 1 minute and 30 seconds.
Or hit a long-range tank with a plane in 30 seconds

Which point?
The first house or the second cabin or house

still works for us. otherwhise we wouldn’t have +80-85% winrate. :wink:
a good squad is able to hold them off and to annoy the tanks. annoying them results very often that they leave the battle as deserter and a bot take place for them.

Smoke grenades. This is a cheap and good solution. A shovel and building rally points in the tank’s blind spots.

People criticising those calling for a more balanced game?


Well in a group everything works

he was way far out and just staring at our tank and infantry spawn the entire time infantry swarmed the objective due to a lack of infantry cuz of spawn camping so it was impossible to build rallies

Moved to mess room

Have you tried taking a detour or digging a hole with a shovel?

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