Gray zone and adding airfields

This is a suggestion on widening or getting rid of the gray zone and spreading the objectives a little farther apart. Making the map one big play area. Also adding the ability for planes to land on an airfield to repair on their friendly side of the map.

Taking the gray zone would:

  1. Keep tanks from camping outside the gray zone and farming kills at objectives, there’s nothing you can do but sit and watch your team get shredded because you cannot go outside the gray zone for longer than like 10 seconds. So tanks would have to position better.
  2. Both teams would have the ability to position to destroy the tank if it is far away. With the gray zone gone you can now set up to destroy it, unless he spots you of course.
  3. Make the whole map playable. And the objectives a little more farrher apart. Which would give both teams a couple extra minutes to position if attacking or build if defending.

Adding airfields on each teams side of the map far away from the battle would allow aircraft to land and repair if damaged from a dogfight or hit by anti-air and survived enough to still be efficient in combat.

Please comment below your thoughts and +1 if you agree. Thank you!


I complained about this and people just tell me you dont have to care about it just throw smoke.

We in the community said long times ago that we need better at gun and aa gun by engineer but the only result is they removed the german quad 20mm for everyone and replaced it with single barrol and there are some say its more efficient

I dont know because some point selection are pretty dumb and clearly the work of someone who was high on weed

I agree with you that there are problems/abuses with the gray zone.
The problem is a little more complex than this, as I believe that the gray zone was created to counteract spawn camping.
But this has resulted in some taking advantage of this gray zone, for example camping using tanks, like gray zone as a protective blanket against infantry attacks.

I think we have to find a unified way to solve/minimize all problems, otherwise we will be solving one problem at the expense of creating others.

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they won’t. trust me. For all these time with gray zone tank camping they still have no solution about it.So just join the other side and abuse this as much as possible because DF dont even want to do anything about it

Removing the spawn protected area would 100% destroy the game.

Spawn camping, and spawn raping would be the only result.

You guys dont know what you are asking for.
Learn how to use Panzerfausts, hitting and destroying Tanks at 100 Metets distance is increadibly easy to do, and doing the same at 200 meters is still possible with some practice.

And yes, the US is lacking a high level anti tank launcher. Were super bazooka?

Yes to widening greyzone. Maybe on the airfield. I’m gonna have to say no for now on getting rid of the entire greyzone.

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I don’t want to repeat the shortcomings of the airport.
The Pacific Ocean has clearly demonstrated its shortcomings

If there is no gray area, there will only be more unilateral suppression.
Why don’t you ask the government to print more money to solve the economic problems?

Grey zone is necessary, sadly. See it as an anti troll function.

I remember a case where the grey zone was so close to the spawning point, that the enemy team had to walk 10m with a flamethrower guy and douse the house spawn point on fire non stop.

It wasn’t really fun.

As for airfields, definitely. It would help air gameplay tremendously. @Myrm1don did an extensive suggestion covering it, I’ll repost (again):

He’s a known “fly boy” that knows his stuff.


Having two opposing airfields so close to each other would be extremely unlikely, I suppose one could be a captured airfield? Also, where would the allied airfield be put on Normandy? (You could add a carrier, but many of the planes are unable to use them.)

I like the idea of airfields, but their implementation is what concerns me.

Seems like a good idea +1

Myrm1don’s idea also makes me +1

I map design that is wider and has a grace of preparation on the defender
And I would like to see airfields where aircraft can make repairs on maps outside of the Pacific.
I would like bombs and rockets to be able to refuel only when landing.


There would need to be enough distance between both airfields, and AAs would need to be placed like aircraft carriers in the Pacific.


I also stated widening the gray zone, maybe. Gray zone abuse is horrible with tankers that do it all match. There’s absolutely nothing to be done about it in the match. If the tank is sitting far enough back angled at the objective farming kills all match on his side of the gray zone, you can’t get to the tank because everytime you try you die by being out of the map. I’ve destroyed many tanks when they are inside the play area. It’s the gray zone making the playable area so small that irratates me. Simple fix, make the maps playable area larger by widening the gray zone, widening the objectives and widening the spawns. Boom.

So where’s the middle ground? Widen it enough so it can’t be abused… or get rid of it completely where we can possibly get spawn camped…

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Perhaps, one way to minimize the problem of camping from the gray zone would be to analyze the possibility of implementing some combination of the following measures:

  1. do not allow vehicles (Tanks, AT guns, etc.) to fire when they are within the gray zone of your team.
  2. That the gray zone also has a time limit to force you to leave it (in a similar way in operation when an enemy enters it)

oh my, the enemy tank is standing at a long distance and shooting at us. I’m crying because I don’t have smoke, I don’t use teams of engineers and I have no way to destroy it.

Yes, I see you crying about it. You can’t think. No tactics, no thinking. Everything has to be handed to you on a plate, everything has to be nerfed, and it’s best if no one shoots at you because it spoils the game.

In the game, each side has its own area of operation to take advantage of it, and not cry that you can’t play because the only thing you are interested in is blowing up the enemy tank with TNT.

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Coincidentally, this same argument could be used to criticize the Gray Zone, since the Gray Zone could also be considered a way to nerf the game for all those tankers who cry because the infantry throws charges of TNT at them and the tankers cannot think and defend themselves, using tactics and strategies.

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Dude is coping hard with this one :joy:

Getting things handed on a plate… you mean like sitting behind the gray zone far back farming kills in a tank as if being handed them on a plate because it’s easy… :joy:

The only way to destroy it is if the friendlies mark it when doing CAS. Which most friendlies don’t do anyway.

Make it make sense man. Cope harder.

You contadicted yourself there.

Exactly my point.

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If you allowed the enemy infantry to run around because, for example, the gray zone moved, it means that you made a tactical mistake and did not change your position when necessary.

Both the attacker and the defender have their own separate zones where only they can move and this is the balance.
Smoke grenades, smoke shells and artillery screens are in the game to take advantage of them.
Another thing is that there are shovels in the game, and few people use them, but you can do a lot with them.

Manwer. If you didn’t make it on the left, try the right, if not this street, maybe on another side. If it’s not possible to enter through the door, I’ll enter through the window.

There are a lot of possibilities, but it doesn’t have to be like BF because there is no gray area in BF.