Good matchmaking, better gameplay

That matchmaking thing is working out great for the devs, the whole team’s efforts are paying off, especially when 5 of your 9 teammates are br1 players with smoke grenades in the middle of br v.



Every evening the same , no engineers, 1 kid screaming a thousand times for coordinates, a bunch of bots and hardly anybody moving towards point. I love the graphics and the game but playing has become a point of irritation.


And the devs who say they’re going to release things that are never seen xD like what I explain in the post and the patch that was supposed to make the grenades break the windows and they don’t.

  1. smoke grenades are underrated
  2. how do you know they are br1 players? maybe they have some equipment on br3? or they are bots? or are they playing in premade team with some BR5 player?
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In normal game mode, smoke grenades are useless except for tanks in my opinion.
People use smoke grenades very badly and not just in this game, I’ve seen it in several different games.

As for the rest, weapons, troops and game mode of br1-2 maximum.

Hmm no, they weren’t bots, bots do get to the point.

they are extremely useful when traversing open terrain to get cover so most of your squad can actually get through. but nobody uses them cause HE spam rules all and usually opponents are not good enough to warrant such strategies.

i would guess they have plane/tank or one rifle at BR3 which you havent seen or someone took their friends into BR5 match. you could always check that in replay, but it is pointless…

I agree with the first point, but as I say, people always use them wrong.

As for the other thing, maybe I have no idea. But it was a very random moment to see 5 people with BR 2 weapons and me with all my BR 5 equipment hahaha

well i usually see few people with low BR equipment getting into BR5 match cause they equipped first BR3 unlock. nothing wrong with MM, just with noobs that dont know that they will enter BR5 match.

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Agreed. It’s quite easy to have a higher-tier weapon in a predominantly lower-tier squad if you’re not paying attention. A lot of newer players forget, or don’t know, about how the BR system works.

Hopefully a better tutorial is in the works for that.


Maybe lock newbies out of higher br weapons until they have “X” amount of gear and troops?

Or make the br system not recognize users by a single weapon and only level up the br with 2 or more troops and 5 or more weapons of that specific br.

The number of times that I’ve had to explain to new players how it works is baffling to me.

It really is hard to tell a new player to not use their best equipment. IMO the BR system has failed, either by just insufficient information to the player within the game, or just having too many holes in it due to player behavior … i.e. playing in party where a higher BR player refuses or cannot drop down, having 1 br 5 weapon and the rest being low.

I don’t like skill based or engagement-based matchmaking, so I don’t want that either, as they tend to ruin social play, and I have yet to find one that solves the issue of grouping with different skill levels within your party. Either you have a too easy time, or your friends are suffering.

Personally, i want to see them do the following:
A) Expand NPM to Tier 1 9/9 … from the existing 1 - 3 games it is now. This should be better in getting new players in tune with trying different things.
B) Introduce Party impact to match-finder (make it so 4 stacks play against other 4 stacks)
C) Replace Battle Rank of weapons and vehicles with Tier based ticket manipulation. (higher end stuff cost more tickets to spawn), while also introducing defensive tickets or ticket like system where needed.

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We can’t have a game where you’re just carrying around 2-3 veterans like babysitters for the rest of the team to be made up of rookies.

I just had the worst game of my entire life in the 3 years I’ve been playing this, and it was basically 2v10 and no one got more than 20 kills.

Regardless of what others say, you can’t win 2v10 even if you have a good team, you simply outnumber the quality by quantity.

DF either has no interest in this game or doesn’t have the slightest idea what to do.

building decks to target BRS is hard apparently

Yeah, I countlessly get into control points to capture them, while waiting for team mates to join me. Meanwhile, I look out the windows and see absolutely no one from my team even attempting to take the control point. They are literally just running around looking for enemy to kill instead of taking the control point. Same with defending it, it seems like at least half the people playing are no where near the control point they are supposed to be defending. Add to that I when I try to play level 3 allies I keep finding myself on a level 5 battlefield. DEV’s don’t listen, and don’t seem to care.


Last night they deleted 2 posts of mine talking about serious things for “breaking the forum rules” apparently telling them the truth is a violation of the rules.

I’m not bothering anymore xD I hope they go bankrupt for being useless.

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As much as I have complained, I am probably on their watch list. Well, nothing I have said is not the truth, and not things I read in the forum almost on a daily basis. I love this game, and have spent far more money then I should have, and more then I even want to know. :rofl: But the game play is not fun anymore, and I get tired of telling them that, and reading others tell them that and nothing ever gets done. I am 60, retired in the Philippines, I have a lot of other things I can be doing then playing video games, and if they don’t want to listen to their players, then it will be what it will be. But, like I said, nothing I bitch about is not being bitched about on a daily basis, so I am not special. . :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I won’t quit playing, but just won’t play near as much, and certainly won’t feel the need to buy more premium squads if they aren’t going to make some game changes. When I am having fun, I can play anywhere from 20 to 30 games a day, but now, just play the minimum to meet the daily objectives the game gives you a day. But when you get to the point where the game play is so bad, and you have to constantly ask yourself should you soldier on or desert game after game, that tells you something. :thinking:


Don’t feel bad, I had a post removed at one time, which to be honest, wasn’t even bad, it apparently had offended someone about grey zone tanks who didn’t agree with it :smile:. I have said far worse on things that weren’t removed, so I think it just boils down to the tolerance or intolerance of the person reading it. I’m 60, and back in my younger days people were offended all the time, but were tolerant and could deal with it, today? Well, what can I say when some people need safe spaces. :rofl: The only safe space I ever remember growing up was that rug I slept on in Kindergarten as a child. :rofl:

Maybe you can use points as an indicator of queuing
Stop casual players from hurting hardworking players

I’m fed up with the serious lack of player quality in every game
When Russia was invaded by Germany, the new recruits had better abilities than casual players.