Gold Vehicle Suggestions

I’m currently building a BRIII platoon. I’m getting there, I just need to work on some weapon upgrades for some squads, namely the Thompson and Garand.

I’m using the APC we got in a recent event as one of my vehicle slots, but my tank is lacking (just BRI), so I’m thinking of using a gold order on a shiny new tank.

The question is, which one should I go for?

Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

Save it and wait for new bp season. If they add nothing interesting then you should buy m8 scott

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In BR3 you can only get the beautiful Sherman II

But in BR3 I actually prefer the M4A3 from the research tree.
Because of the big 105mm Howitzer cannon.
Only HE shells, no need to change ammo type.

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I think the sherman 2 has been removed from the store

Would it be worth focusing on tech tree stuff instead then?

No, it’s still there, if that’s what Warhead is talking about.

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Yeah my bad. If you have the squad to use it then you should buy it