Giving the rzhev update more content

so far we dont know much about the update only that it will come will graphical improvements(which are not that needed for enlisted but whatever) new supply drop for radio operators and 2 premium squads.
the battle itself was fought from January 1942 to March 1943 so it could both for winter and spring maps but it looks like devs chose the winter part of the conflict.
which gives us bunch of vehicles that fit this timeframe


axis examples:

soviet examples
coldnt really find much that isnt already in game
maybe this helmet with red star (definetly not a german bias)



-BR3(no mg,no turret+slower reload)
-122mm cannon
-considering how sherman 105 got only HE it would be fair for it to get HE only but since 105 sherman has turret and defensive mg i would give this vehicle HEAT with 160mm of pen ,with HE only i would consider it being BR2

-BR2(open top,slow,no armor,the gun makes in BR2 it would be BR1 without it lol)
-57mm high pen cannon with 145mm max pen

-1mg,1heavymg + backgunner
-4x250kg bombs

-BR 2 or 3
-2mgs,2cannons + defensive gunner
-6x25kg cluster bomb to make it unique


-BR3 (no mg,no turret+slower reload)
-105 mm cannon
-HEAT rounds with either 105mm or 115 mm of penetration (with only HE to BR2)

marder 3
-BR2(open top,not much armor)
-76mm gun with 138 of pen

-1mg+ 3 defensive mgs
-4x250kg bombs
-quite fast

Ju 87 G
-BR2 or 3
-2x3,7mm cannons + backgunner

for those annoying planes theres an idea for more AA emplacements:

-37MM autocannon buildable by engis from BR3

-37MM autocannon buildable by engis from BR3


add a Rider II class and give them scout cars :slight_smile:

sdfkz 222 and BA-I



Such suggestion is already too late for the Rzhev update.


they did sayed rzhev will have some content.

however, hate to bring it to the class… but:

the two helmets would be really great.

however, i doubt they will add any of those because the customization is based on squads.

which means, you’d have to add 2 helmets over 100+ squads.

the coat with hood is specifically reserved for the premium squad.
( yep )

and the collars being down, i would like that, but in such a small period, it’s unlikely to see it that soon.

paras winter uniforms are something that are really needed.

or just give them the parka and call it a day:

as both would fit and don’t have army isignias.

i’d recon they should get once and for all a sh40 helmet with strap down instead of being up

currently not in the game.

although, they could add the 152

with that being said, it’s not entirely out of the picture.

i’m just saying that, others might become first than that one because models are partially complete

just to name few:

this one is in the game and doesn’t take long to fix

doesn’t appear to be inside the game other than the pe_3 & pe_2_31


it is currently in the editor:

so, finger crossed.

it used to be in the game during OBT.

but since then, has been removed.
only remains a mention with a broken template:

this one is in the game.

not in the game unfortunately.

it would be cool, and they could technically take it from the sweedish AA truck

same thing for the

but… dunno.

as KhTk said, kinda too late for adding anything.
especially since, it does take them couple of months to introduce things etc.


I want this as premium/event.



This is porn!

They could always add a 100 round MG42, just saying.


maybe in another 3 year since it take 3 year to fix bipod if i remember it correctly

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All of these things are good. Don’t like the part about BR, WWII stuff doesn’t need BR

The current system is clearly flawed and there are alternatives to balance, but Stuart vs Tiger or G33/40 vs Fedorov were obviously toxic and it’s better for new players this way.

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Neither do i but we wouldnt need to change the BR. All darkflow would need to do is make rather weekly or even monthly HA battles with HA presets with 1 vehicle slot for battle based planes/tanks and 2 slots for battle based premiums. I have a few posts about it if youre interested.


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The Stuka with the 37mm BK cannons is what I want for the next aircraft in the T.T.

I also would love to see everything else mentioned in this post added to the game, all should be TechTree items too.

Maybe the AA cannons and advance buildable items could be an equipment slot item? So it’s balanced with the “give/take” system.


Yes, they should! Or add the ability to have a longer belt but slow down the walk/run/sprint speed.

It’s annoying that I can get torn apart by the 1919a6 but I can’t return the favor.

It’s not the end of the world, but if the MG42 is the same BR as the 1919, the MG42 should have some more benefits for the short belt length.

I believe the MG34 and 42 should have 50 and 100 round options, and that goes for the 1919 as well.

The belt length could determine the speed of sprint or quite possibly could change the battle rating by one level.

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I’d want to see the US/UK get a Lewis Gun; and the japanese get their lewis-gun derived type 92, before germany gets a 100 round anything.

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They should add both.