Give your army a unique style!

Wow. Quit sucking them off and understand that saying no micro transactions, and then later on in the post saying there will be micro transactions is not the way to do it. That is an important thing to mention from the start.

I’m willing to guarantee that at least half of the people reading these posts don’t read past the announcement itself. I don’t always. I’m sure others are the same way.




too many mmo hurt

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Saying there aren’t micro transactions in the original post that most players will read, and then mentioning in the comments that nowhere near as many will read there will be micro transactions is not the way that should have been done.

I didn’t think there was a need to ask them, seeing as they said there would be no micro transactions.

I’ve asked twice about premium squads in Stalingrad now, FYI. Still no response on that.


Can you add the decals on the german soldiers helmet? Each get their decals, the wermacht, the luftwaffe and the SS

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All ss stuff probably will be censored, sadly. Like most german stuff in game :thinking:


as I said read the news post, yes there will be few but there will be

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Big question though. Will they be micro transactions, or something we earn.

Because Keo even said micro transactions have been removed in that post.

this is the fault of whoever writes the dev blog, keo only reports what he wrote and then if he knows more he says it

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I think you’d look pretty :fire: in that Conscript. Just uh…putting that out there.


“You can apply the decal to any suitable surface” This here better mean preset places and not up to the player. Would hate for this game to turn into the trash graffiti of WarThunder. It’s absolutely shit and ruins the immersion completely. the scaling and rotating and free to put wherever is a complete disaster. same with decorators and bushes and whatnot. Say a German Tank Pz III J and you “unlock” or whatever a “311” tank number then should only be allowed to pbe placed in a set spot on the turret. same with insignia and slogans. Don’t turn this into the nonsense that is WarThunder.

Well then that is on you, you misunderstood what they were trying to communicate. Sure they could have done a better job, but if you had any misunderstandings, it is up to you to ask.

For the premium squads, they answered that already, you just had to look. The only premiums as of right now will be the flame tanks you get from the pre-order pack.

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is there any way to give us a dev blog on anything you promised in august


Oooh, a man of culture with a fashion sense!

Yes, this is the very latest from Berlin, used mostly by nobles socialites of the werhmacht! You have a good eye!

unironically, this looks actually good :joy:


I can interpret your question in different ways.

If you mean: can players add decals to a helmet? — no, they can’t.

If you mean: can we, as developers, add decals to helmets? — most of the decals you listed are prohibited by law in some countries. However, we are trying to make the uniforms in the game as believable as possible without offending anyone. This means that on some clothes there will be decals similar to the ones you mentioned, but they will not be exactly the same.


Hammer and sickle offends me, so remove it


please for the love of god can u fix these balancing issues
panther vs 76 jumbo/m36
fg42 vs Johnson lmg
stg vs m2 carbine
1919 a6 vs mg 42

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B-but space commie and the greater good ?!
