Give us the beretta M38A with 30

I would like to have a Beretta M38A, with 30 rounds it be a great gun for between tier 2-3 smg, or has a popcorn event gun. and we’ll finally complete the trifecta of mag sizes for the Beretta m38a 20-30-40.

Also for tank decor they have the model for the 30 round mag.



I could see it being a br3, would be a great way to include an Italian assault squad :smirk:


Iirc 30rds mags only appeared post WWII.


Maybe but thing is too many in br 3 trying to even out the pasta men I think the simplified ones could’ve been great

Maybe doubt that a little also again the decor for tanks the beretta M38 has a 30 round box mag

There’s something better to dream about:



@Why you bully me?”

Well, there’s no need to always fully load 40rnd mag, 30-32 can do just fine.
In fact, it was a common practice to underload a mag, WWII tech was as advanced compared to later eras, issues with mag and mag spring were not unheard of, especially with worn-down mags.
Schmeisser pattern mag used in MP-18, MP 28, MP-40 and STEN variants was commonly loaded only to 28-38 round out of 32. Same with BRENs - 27-28 rounds load was a common practice.

We already have this with Lewis and DP pan mags - they can take 50 rounds, but are loaded with 47.

Another option for 32 round smg with 690 max RoF (like Beretta 38a) would be already mentioned MP-28 II, which is available in some form to UK and IJA already. Funny how Germans were forgotten by devs, would not surprise me if they add a Soviet partizan unit with trophy MP-28s instead.

idk says the most common for combat units was 30round mag

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Mp 28 II with 32 rounds is in-game It is a founders bundle and it’s for Germany has 550 RPM wat slower than 690

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German “MP-28” ingame are infact post WWI versions of MP-18 without drum mag (which was commisioned by German Empire). It had 550 RPM with early 20rnd and later 32rnd mags, mainly use by Weimar police forces.

MP-28 II is an update of MP-20 version (it’s really complicated). It had 690 RPM and was copied by British Navy in 1940s as Lancester.

It’s like calling an AKM a “AK-101”, same internal mechanic, but the gun itself is different.

And Japanese have Swiss made MP-20 as “MP28 7.65” - wrong name, wrong caliber they’ve never used.


Also I did some little extra research yeah they mad those 30 round mags during ww2 so he or she is flat out wrong

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