As of now ,the Universal carrier is severly undergunned.
So I suggest we give it the Vickers Mk.I.
Not necessary
Bren does fine for what it is and the UC is by design to just be abandoned somewhere sneaky, not really for combat
I love how small it is for that. It’s so easy to hide behind a bush. Definitely my favorite APC to use. If only it had better traction for climbing little hills… And the mounted machine gun works best at long distances, as the turning rate is super slow. But when it hits, it punches hard.
Fuck that give us a .50 cal
Vehicle 50. cal sucks anyway
why you are always negative, dude
I am not, I just want vehicle MGs to be properly effective. They’re huge joke nowadays.
No wonder majority of tankers are camping in greyzone.
Well as it happens Ive been requesting they add the Australian Universal Carrier to the tech tree.
The Australian variant was different since it just had a single fixed Vickers machine gun.
We really ought to have a UC in the tech tree, a tracked option would be good and its also an opportunity for a proper Australian TT squad.
They could also make the Canadian variant with Canadian uniforms, although Im not sure what the Canadian UC was armed with.
There is also the russian one with the Dshk and the DT-29 instead of the Bren gun
What could be more necessary than more fun stuff
Fuck that, give us WASP
I believe a kangaroo would be a great idea for higher rank APC.
As someone pointed out before it is silly having unarmed trucks for the whole game.
Make BR I/II trucks, BR II/III armoured halftracks BR IV/V kangaroos or similar properly armoured personal carriers.