Give the shovel an alt-fire use. Flattening ground

Trenching with a shovel definitely has it uses and benefits, but there are also times when it should be able to do just a little more.

Suggested change: make the alt-fire of a shovel, activated by the “aim” button, flatten the terrain. If aimed at the bottom of a hole, it will flatten the terrain as best as possible to nearby terrain at the same depth. Same type of effect if used on normal ground, removing soil that is higher that the starting point. If aimed at the side of a trench, it will smooth that side out to be an easier to traverse angle. This is useful both for infantry and for tanks to get out of trenches.

This addition would allow for more effective trenches for infantry, better building locations for engineer fortifications, and better traversal for tanks.




Clear this up for me

This is currently:

And youre suggesting this?

If yes then, fuck yes. Could finally mount MGs and have proper cover in there


Though, it does seem exploitable in some way, we do actually need that.


great idea with lot of possibilities


I think that’s a great idea; I wish for flatter trenches whenever I dig.

It would also be cool if there was an actual melee attack with the shover, instead of just shoveling in their direction


Yeah this is something i want.

also should give the ability to give the soldier trench foot with this if its below the maps water line
Just Joking!

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I swear this must be the first time I have seen a forum post received a ‘100% approval rating’. It is a really good idea from OP though, and I hope that the developers would be keen on adding this feature. It’s just one of those quality-of-life mechanics that would be beneficial to everyone involved!

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I managed to cause some friendly fire with shovels in lone warriors custom battles…
So, melee works.

Right! Definitely a first!

So simple, so useful.