Give the corsair its own squad

Why, you may ask? So you can make players have to re-earn all the upgrades for the Corsair, so they will be forced to spend money.


I just want to see more Marines on land, in the air, and in the sea. Here are some Marine Fighting Squadrons that flew them:

VMFA-214 - Wikipedia

VMF-422 - Wikipedia

VMFA-311 - Wikipedia

VMFA-122 - Wikipedia

VMFA(AW)-224 - Wikipedia


Hell yes, black sheep squadron

While weā€™re at it, can we get the proper US designations for US carrier planes after the buffalo? Cuz I donā€™t know what an AP-1 is, but I know what the TBF Avenger is. I have no clue about FP-3, FP-5, or AP-4C, but I know F4F Wildcat, F6F Hellcat and F4U Corsair


I agree. It might have something to do with copyright issues, though.


I doubt it. Fugginā€™ Mickey Mouse is finally out of copyright, thereā€™s no fugginā€™ way some WW2 era carrier-borne aircraft arenā€™t

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The mouse isnā€™t out of copyright, the steamboat Willie version was but theyā€™re using it now as a department logo; copyright lives.

Regardless of Disney, Northrop Grumman continues to enforce the copyright on all their assets, past and present. Stupid but thatā€™s it. Gotta pay money to use the names, developers donā€™t want to so we donā€™t get them


We can only hope brother :pray:

It got sold to these jokers:
Triumph Group - Wikipedia

We ainā€™t never getting rights to thisā€¦

Iā€™d argue that thereā€™s not enough difference to matter, but Iā€™m sure disney disagrees, Iā€™m not a lawyer, this isnā€™t a court, and youā€™re right to move on, I just couldnā€™t without saying this

Sure, but I have to ask as not-a-lawyer, can they enforce copyright on 1940s military aircraft designations? Sure, Wildcat, Hellcat, Corsair maybe, but F4F, F6F, F4U? Surely those fall under fair use, particularly in games made under some historical context.

Understandable, I wish the names were correct, too. Doesnā€™t look good to me.
To answer your second point, the copyright stands for as long as they can prove that itā€™s still in use with the holder. Branding, selling, lending, etc. can keep the title alive indefinitely until sold, relinquished, or expired. Goofy names for us until then :skull_and_crossbones:


Lmao appreciate the info, yeah those planes ainā€™t coming back. Especially with the hard-on people get for them. Sad boy

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I initially assume it was some marine designation for the aircraft, Iā€™m not really sure why the rest of the aircraft are fine but not most of the US naval aircraft.


Right? they are in War Thunder, though, which is weird on top of weird

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Lol the only difference between those plane squad is just a useless emblem picture. Why should people regrind an entire squad for a useless picture?

Moreover, we already have 2 marine plane squad in the tech tree, while we only have 1 squad from the army air force, 2 from RAF and none from the navy so we donā€™t need more marine squad.

the only thing stronger than the snailā€™s greed is northum-grumanā€™s lawyers


The fuck are you on about?

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What about WW2 documentaries?
Do they have to pay when they mention a plane like ā€œCorsairā€ and do they get sued if they dont?
Or are documentaries ā€˜free to useā€™ the names but games not because of making profit?
Just wondering because I also really want to see the normal names in the game.

BTW: happy the British and Germans werent so ā€˜cleverā€™, thats why we do have Spitfire and Stuka.


might be cause itā€™s educational while games arenā€™t

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We already have 2 marine plane squad in the tech tree, give other part of the military like Navy a chance.

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Like this so I can remember to to reply in the morning, Iā€™m not opening the game again right now to check/argue/suggest anything.

that said, in modern times, the US navy and USMC are the fourth and seventh largest air forces on the globe, USAF and US Army are first and second.

We have enough USAAF forces, shit we have enough US planes.

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do you really trust the russian honesty because i donā€™t which would make the navy the 3rd largest after army and chairforce

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