give me the option to disable cross play i dont want to play with console players anymore, ffs.
i dont care if player count get low vs pc players, console players are less useful than bots
give me the option to disable cross play i dont want to play with console players anymore, ffs.
i dont care if player count get low vs pc players, console players are less useful than bots
Most console players are terrible but a few really know how to exlpoit auto-aim and are an absolute menace. Either way I don’t want them in my games.
Edit: Maybe that’s a bit harsh on the bad players. Bolt action aimbot users can FRO though.
Remain upset
Only a cant tell console players are very very bad
They camp, never PTFO like OP said … they dont worth more than standard bots
That’s funny, because all I see are PC players below my score. There’s just as many shitty PC players, as there are console players.
Also… 3.4 objective captures.
And then the PC players all have less than 1 objective capture.
Nothing new.
PC players ??? youre shure all low rank XD more bots than real players
Not all console players are bad, we have several in the clan, including me and I have fought and won against loads of PC players, on the ground, in tanks and dogfighting… give everyone a chance to get as good as you, what harm is there in playing against less skilled people, new MM’ing will filter them out by default anyways… if they are low level.
I gave a chance to them since i started playing, 90% are useless and besides you have the option to disable It, i dont see why i should be forced ti play with these kind of players.
From now on i dont care map mod or event if half the team Is console i Will quit
Fair enough your choice man
Devs wont do that bro
They’ve ignored our suggetion for 2 years
at least pc players did somewhat decent, look to your friends 6,7 and 10th position
the point is not that you’re are good, the point is that literally the majority of console players just seem braindead.
im not even jokin they stare at walls they run in the opposite direction of the objective like wtf?
Perhaps you are seeing the braindead people who ‘park’ their AI behind them, so you are seeing their inactive squad members? I have played with some real n00bs before but they have been on both on console and PC!
Park ai behind some obstacle or in house is miles better than charging with them.
They are hunted like duck in full open
You do realize you cap with numbers of troops right? Up to you I guess, the squad commands are not that difficult even for a consoler like me
More useful than banning consol players would be banning players with a low rally/game ratio.
I generally advance/defende on flanks and letting zergrush zombies to lift heavy job at point. Capitalising on others mistakes is the best way to climb up the ledder in games, and in life in general.
Agree with OP
Been a few years of asking, but nothing, it seems a bit unfair, to have console able to turn off PC players, only fair we get same option.
“cAnT SpLiT tHe QuEuEs”