Give M24 "Chaffee" APCBC ammo

The M24’s AP ammo isn’t the best. To be honest, rather bad. Therefore, one could consider giving the M24 the APCBC ammunition as well.

The penetration values ​​are the same as on the Sherman II, M4A1, M4A2 and even for BR II it wouldn’t be to strong.


Yes please, the reload on the Chaffee makes not having post pen incredibly frustrating.

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Then why is Chi nu and Ho-Ni III in BR 3? Both of them would be way worse tanks but at BR 3 so why should this one stay at BR 2 if the only reason it was at BR 2 to begin with was the bad ammo?.


Nah with APCBC it would be the only viable American tank at BR2 since Crusader or M3/Mk1 doesn’t have APCBC. Even in current state it’s a real p2w tank. First you want overpowered BAR at BR2 and now this. What else do you want? 1 ton bombs at BR2?

I never wanted a BAR on BR II. Pls show me where I requested that nonsense?! M24 “Chaffee” had and used APCBC ammo and even with that it wouldn’t be to strong.

Oh and btw. I was one of the first players, requesting the Marder III on BR II for germany and many other stuff. :wink:

At least 5 American mains across this forum and reddit keep posting to lower BR of BAR to BR2. I haven’t specified it was exactly you.

M24 Chaffee with better rounds would completely replace any American BR2 tanks and force f2p players to buy it to have usable mini Sherman at BR2 where they could sealclub low BR players. Armor doesn’t really matter if your cannon is good. Let’s be honest M24 shouldn’t even be playing at low br since it was manufactured in 44-45. So everything about that tank in Enlisted is total bs.

And I told there, that I am against a BAR on BR II and I guess that will not happen.

No, it still wouldn’t be better than M8 with heats.

That round should only be added to M24 Chaffee if Crusader and M3 would also get their APCBC shells so f2p wouldn’t be at a huge disadvantage.

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Yeah, every tank that historically was using ammo with explosive filler should get one.

Ammo without HE filler is just ridiculously bad in enlisted.


But still would be better in every way better than the Chi Nu which is BR 3 (or initialy BR 4 because reasons)

Agree, Chi Nu is still worse than several BR2 tanks. It could easily be BR2.

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(Would it be op for br2? Maybe, maybe not… I don’t care because Chaffee is one of my favourite tanks. Make it do booms!)

Average BR2 tanks have 60-80mm damage with some exceptions like Marder or SU-76, but those are lighter and less protected.

You are asking for 100mm of penetration for BR2, you are aware of this right?

Puma can already do that one and I think also the J1/M.

I know, but 50mm has much less HE filler than 75mm.
The difference is crucial because 75mm can OHK reasonably sized tanks.

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Those are 50mm guns at best so everything else about them is kinda bad.
Low damage and weak HE rounds.
The M24 would have 60grams of He in the APHE
and has acces to full 75mm HE…
These guns are in no way comparable.

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To be fair, puma can explode with HE :stuck_out_tongue:

(But yes. The M. Beloved machine… takes many shots to pop another tank but shoots fast and got many shells so…)

M24 Chaffee doesn’t use the Mk.9 ammo. He had the M61 ammo which is the same like Sherman II | M4A1 | M4A2 | M4A3E2 got

Buddy, first off it’s a premmy tank. It should have more than standard solid shot

Second, germany has quite a few BR2 tanks with special ammo.

You wanna talk about fair? Either get rid of all other ammo types for germany BR2 or give the chaffee, a premium tank better shells. It feels quite awful in gameplay