Give defenders time to actually make defenses

I’ve seriously seen a defense match last less than 2 minutes because attacking prestack play like speedsofters on 10 cans of Red Bull destroyed the entire match. 90% of the time they don’t even stick to capturing the defense they leave that to the AI. They just spawn hunt and camp no actual objectives.


I know right especially with Germany (I am a German main) you spawn and 5 seconds later a whole squad of maxed out ppsh’s just comes in clears the objective in the blink of an eye.

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well i find that problem is that second the first cap is captured, you can drop paratroopers on second cap and capture half of it before defender even comes close to it. wouldnt be the first time i did that or it happened to me.

there should be staging phase after cap is captured that lasts a minute or two before they open the gray zone for next attack.

you can add BS of stacks on defenders where they mine whole cap point and mostly just hunt on the edge of the gray zone. even if you manage to kill them, when you go into cap you are just greeted with loads of AP mines. stacks suck overall and there is no cure for them.


Life just sucks for defenders especially when you bring stacks into it and it’s not much better if you play solo it’s basically Russian roulette.


Yep, every time when I’m fighting a group, that happens.

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Forget it, give the defense time to turn the cap into a shithole full of barbed wire, sandbags, and AP landmines, right?

It’s better to add MG nests and AT guns, giving defenders enough time to turn the cap into a fortress and then lie inside to slaughter attackers.

And these fortifications are even so strong that sandbags cannot be destroyed by direct tank gun fire, and sometimes explosive packs cannot destroy these things. I think these things have some bugs.

I don’t want such a game, so the current mechanism is fine.Just blame your teammates for not defending in time when they are caught in a blitzkrieg. They are afraid of death in the game and don’t respawn in time to defend new control points.

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Me personally, I would do 2 things:

Restrict Paras from dropping directly on an objective, they can still go behind enemy lines, but they got to ruck it.

Have a 30 second delay where you can’t cap after you cap another point. IE if you cap a point, there is a 30 second timer before capping the next point is allowed, regardless if you are on point or not. This time could be adjusted based on map as some maps are more spread out than others.

I would not however do a gray zone adjustment as it ruins the flow of the game.


It’s not like you have suicide options or anything and it’s not like you’re trying to play a game where your enemies are defending the objective or anything and it’s not like this game is real life or anything no we don’t need any of that

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No - i get that paradrops can be annoying, but mostly this is a “Learn to defend and react to the game”-problem.

Most defense players don’t give a shit about losing the cap point. They just keep on farming kills and camping where they are until they die or are forced to move by the grey zone.

What they should do is instantly fall back and defend the next point.

What are the attackers gonna do while the lazy, indifferent defenders are given time to AP-mine and barbwire every approach?

The biggest issue with this is that you basically remove the chance for attackers to flip a losing match, where you typically need to do quick consecutive caps to recover your tickets.

The only situation where this could make sense is one where we get a completely new gamemode (lets call it breakthrough) where 1.) Defenders have visibility & access to the next cap and can prep defenses 2.) Have tickets as well, and max half that of attackers.

Speaking of which defense on invasion for Germany is almost inherently rigged

Defending is hard, Germany suffers the most



Yea usually first i spawn in as an engineer in like 95% of my matches and go away 50 metres from the objective to build my rallye spot but it didnt matter at all since when iam back at the objective its already half full capped same BS when being the only one absolutely carryng your team with 120/5 KD while the next best in your team has 30/5 then you join in as a plane and its game over


If defenders wouldnt spend so much trolling the attackers after the CP fell instead of actually fall back, we might have feelings for that “pain”.


THIS, I think would provide the changes that we are looking for in this regard.

Additionally, Defenders should be given the locations of ALL objective locations in advance. Otherwise you often have to guess where it is going to go if you want to attempt to set up a defense.

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So You wanna just give attackers who play like hap hazard idiots a W every time because using the brain is sooooo hard. The only point you’ve made that I agree with is some explosive should be able to destroy sandbags. However on that note you’re thought of a tank not being able to destroy structures is complete bull cuz I do it all the time and I enjoy it. Literally destroying fortifications with the tank is a pastime of mine because people panik so hard when you do.

Exactly this is half the reason why defenders don’t fall back to the next point because I don’t know where it’s going to be before it already pops up. When it pops up they’re going to be surrounded by the time they get the option to fall back so they can’t fall back in the first place. So they’re only option is to slow the enemy down while people respond at the new point.


I’ve played the game for like 2 years now, so I know decently where objectives CAN be, and I can honestly say that there seems to be a strange mechanic, where if you fortify that area ahead of time, it will go to the other possible location instead. The location that it never seems to go to otherwise.

Which I think that currently is done intentionally. Probably for the purpose of keeping the game very run-and-gun, which is what so many of the CoD style players voiced they wanted.

However, I hope that developers are seeing that this type of gameplay is not sustainably interesting, which is why dynamic fortifications and actually adding advanced strategy to the game is quite important.


You should try it yourself. Whether it’s a explosive or a tank shell, their explosion damage cannot guarantee 100% destruction of a sandbag or barbed wire. Even if you throw it directly above it, it sometimes just won’t work.

That’s why I said this is a bug. You should read what others have said and try it out in the game before refuting. It is precisely because these fortifications have bugs that cannot be easily destroyed that they become particularly annoying.

Besides, it is evident that the attacker’s direct rush to the next control point is a manifestation that they have a brain, as they know what is best for them, rather than being entangled with defenders who are truly brainless and do not return to the new cap to defend.

I understand your perspective, and I’ve actually conducted testing myself. While explosives may not always guarantee 100% destruction of sandbags or barbed wire, I’ve found that tank shells, on the other hand, consistently do the job. Even when aimed directly at them, there are instances where explosives might fall short, but tanks shells reliably eliminate fortifications.

Now, it’s crucial to note that defenders face challenges beyond just lacking easily fortifiable positions. They often struggle with time constraints, making it difficult for them to fortify their positions adequately. This doesn’t necessarily reflect a lack of strategic awareness; rather, it’s a result of the dynamic nature of the game.

While I acknowledge that there might be occasional issues, it’s essential to avoid generalizations about defenders being brainless. The complexities of the game dynamics often contribute to their choices, and it’s crucial to consider the broader context.

My assessment isn’t a superficial expression of pity but rather an informed analysis of the intricate dynamics within the game and its community.

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I’ve experienced this too. Often if I try to “pre-fortify”, the CP goes to the other location. I thought it was my imagination or I was getting the location wrong.

Having said that - there are some Tunisia scenarios where there are no alternatives and it does work ok.

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Nope, its not just us. Everyone I know that plays engineers heavily all agree.

So do attackers.

But apparently, only attackers need to use brains.