Give BR 3-4 paratroopers

Currently the paratroopers exist in 2 polar sides: very low BR and very high BR.

(Soviet ones excluded because apparently they are built different which is complete BS but alas)


  • Beretta M38 squad (BR 1) - premium
  • Italian OG squad (BR2) - event/vet box
  • FG squad (BR5) - premium
  • GL FG squad (BR5) - event/vet box

Western Allies:

  • M1A1 squad (BR2) - event/vet box
  • Welgun squad (BR2) - event/vet box
  • Vickers squad (BR5) - event/vet box
  • OP Tommy 100 squad (BR5) - premium


  • Type 100 rifle squad (BR2) - event/vet box
  • Type Fake LMG squad (BR4) - premium, the only exception

Personally, I only ever use the mortar layout from the box because imo the only purpose of paras is building a sneak rally, so I don’t even know how the weapons change depending on the match BR, I just always get mortars.

And not being a fan of BR5 fantasy weapons land, the highest I usually go is BR 3-4, yet I have to bring my BR2 para weapons with me.


  1. add flexible para squads (like USSR) to each nation’s tech tree
  2. or at least add some event para squads of BR 3-4

This is an event squad, not premium.
It was the first paratrooper squad earnable through event and it also came with the FG42 GL squad.


BR 2 paras equipped with SMGs with a 30rd magazine are flexible enough to use regardless of what BR you end up in because most BR 2 SMGs in the game already have solid performance, and whatever you get from the weapons crate can adjust for the BR, accordingly.

I don’t see the need to add BR 3-4 paras.

I’d rather have paras with primary weapons you can swap out, like the soviet ones.


Well you can use them for Assaulters Type 100 rifle squad (BR2) is the worst BR II assaulter use but for BRIII to V they get good weapon but if you are at BR II their only use is sniping or building rally only if they got better weapon for BR II from their box

M1A1 squad Well you can use them for assault they have semi auto and get BAR from their box so I use them for assaulters taking points from behind.

Beretta M38 squad ahhh if you haven’t used them as assaulters you are missing the broken BR I MG 34 xD

As long as it is a submachine gun, it is enough
I have no complaints except Japan.
I would even use level 2 submachine gun paratroopers in a level 5 environment

You can charge with a pistol and a katana
At least it’s very useful against idiots and sneak attacks on ordinary players.

They could add a Japanese Type 99 LMG Para variant

The Allies could get a British Sten Mk V


Yeah I love them only the Japanese is weak … the US have very good weapons from the Box if it didnt also was going to be bad but he gets very good toys from the box

Well or Devils Brigade since there is no Event US para BR 3+

I really wanna see Devils Brigade :smiley:

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it is long past time that paras were added to the tech tree


Dont forget the og paratrooper squad for br 4-5

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Just add TT customisable paras already, soviets shouldn’t be the only ones with custom loadouts - period


Using Italian paras with crappy OG for Germany BR4 where you go against PPSh/Tommy drum are not enough.

And I always need an engineer, so I always take the mortarmen layout.

I like how I qualified my answer by specifically citing paratroopers with 30rd SMGs, then you bring up OG-43s with their tiny 20rd mags.

That’s why I suggest that we get a BR 3-4 para squad (besides the fact that Soviet-like flexible SMGs would solve everything).

And yes, Japanese paras are also a problem in higher BRs, Welgun paras are meh on BR 3-4 and those are all I have.

Given the performance of BR 2 SMGs, you don’t need anything specifically at BR 3-4.

In fact, some BR 2 SMGs outperform BR 3 ones.