Gewehr 41 Balance Suggestion

If this gun is to compete against the SVT-38, some tweaks should be made.
-faster reload
-higher damage
-higher accuracy, even
I would also nerf the SVT-38 slightly. This would create a fairer environment at it’s battle rating.


The main problem of the gun is that in between shots your crosshair jump across 4 monitors, the followup shot is pretty annoying to hit, while with SVT38 you spam fest.

Even if you have it upgraded the gun jumps too much. They could make the last upgrade rank, significantly decrease the jump off target in between shots and a bit reload.

The reload speed could use some love…right now it’s 3-4 working days, no reloads on weekends.


maybe it’s to balance the op German MG, with their nearly endless drums and good reload


no,german MG’s do not have nearly endless drums,the highest capacity ones being 75 rounds on quite meager MGs ,and reloads are just okay,the 50 round MGs take around 5.6 seconds to reload,while your M1919a6 gets 100 rounds,and a 5 second reload


75 rounds meager compared to what in the game, not real life which yes can have 100, 150, 200 ,250 but in the game


It loads with twin stripper clips, so there’s nothing you can do to make it faster. You could definitely reduce its dispersion though.

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Legit you can reload a Lee Enfield and Jhonson Rifle 2 seconds less than G41…


You could just put the clips in faster though


DP27 - reload 3.8sec - mag size 47
MG34 - reload 5.7sec - mag size 50
I would gladly trade 3 less ammo for 1.9sec less reload. You people really think Germans have most op guns but in reality they have the weakest guns gimped by awful reload speed, recoil and often less dmg with less rof, only in top tier they get much better but still worse than Russian guns (Fedorov and AVT-40). Axis going to have to fight against PPSh-41 box and BAR both of which completely shits on the all low-mid tier Axis weapons and also against them plus T-50/T-34 spam how fun…


It could use either a recoil or reload buff. Don’t think the SVT-38 needs a nerf though.


Honestly, I think the recoil is fine. I actually really like the gun. The reload is just painful.

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they made it better with the new animations since you can cancel when you reload 5 for when you are in a pinch

Doesn’t that mean we’re basically playing Dark Souls if we don’t watch our step we’ll die while the allies can wander around without much problems unless they walk right into a kill zone made by a player.

Go ahead and ask fg-42 to tier 3 already

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They do have most OP guns with little exceptions. Only redditards and some weebs don’t see that. Probably got too much schnapps in eyes

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Soviets has the most OP gun by far…

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Comparing guns and arguing over which side is better is such a boring argument. It’s more valuable to discuss the merits of the weapon in question, and whether it’s effective in game and a good choice.

I like the g41, and personality I think that all the reloads in this game are absurdly fast, so I like the reload speed here too. If anything they need to increase the reload of all the other guns. I do think that they could stand to reduce the dispersion and increase the rof, but I think that’s true for all semiautomatic rifles. More ammunition would be nice too, does it only get 30 rounds? That seems low.

The horizontal recoil is a bit high. It can be mitigated with the horizontal recoil perk, but at the cost of other weapon handling perks like faster reload; which can bring the reload speed down to 4.2 seconds.

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From what I understand, you’re saying that the 5.7 second reload for the MG34 with 75 round bucket and the MG42 has a 6.6 second reload for only 50 rounds and an RPM much higher than any lmg reasonably should have compared to the M1019A6’s 6.0 flat for 25 more rounds and less dispersion is reasonable? That’s like saying the 3.2 second reload of the MP35/I balances out the 3.6 of the 3.6 on the ppsh which has a 71 drum mag just because it does slightly more damage.

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