Getting too much pilot from soldier gacha? Here's might be the reason

Have you ever wonder why you’re not getting the soldier class you need? Getting too much pilot, tanker, sniper, and other useless class?

Well, maybe this is the reason why…

Did you see the difference?

Yes, Unlike weapon gacha, Darkflow never said the chances were equal for soldier

It was rigged all along!!


(note: this post is a conspiracy theory and shouldn’t be taken seriously)


i mean, we all laugh and giggle.

but holy fuck my reserve is full of pilots…


Probably because you only have 1 pilot in an active slot at a time, but the game gives you as many as it does riflemen.

Plus they level up so slowly you never get rid of them.

Who really uses that many fighter pilots too. You only need one high level pilot and the rest are trashed just like mortars and flamethrowers

You’ve clearly done your research.

I shall blindly believe all you said.


That’s religion 101.

If it’s on Yetube, bookface or this forum, it can only be the indisputable truth. I know people that know people that know!

bruh i just got 8 fighter pilots from randos, only to get a SINGLE assaulter the next time

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