Germany at its peak

Dear, veteran players. Make Br V Germany Great Again. Thank You,Have a nice day

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Deserved, try to build some rally.
You would have won the first game for sure.

well, he/she certainly did.

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You were playing BR2 right?
BR2 Germany is flooded with new players and veterans got tired of no rallies and panzer 2 spam.


I always build raly points at the start of the game and everytime I get my engineers during match

First one was my br3 build, low br germans has no idea about raly points, even when I build ralys they often doesnt care ralys, they keep spawns on default area, second pic was my Br5 build, After I unlocked my Ju188 I wanted to play some Air(Have no idea how to play with bombers thats why my kills too low), and as u can see in picture, things gone bad

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Germany has weird performance drops during off hours, I believe that has to do with player base, a large percentage of allied mains are probably collage students and kids with more free time during the day.
Axis have the Stalingrad syndrome: allies dominante the day and Axis stomp in late afternoon.

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Funny thing is, after this post I end up with 1 good berlin-germany match. we literally steamrolled soviets. we didnā€™t even need rally points to win. it seems every faction has their own playable hours xD


I found out something funny, that goes with my ā€œtrendsā€ theory:

If you play axis against USA, even if itā€™s apparently full of golden ranks, even a few human axis players can win.

I believe itā€™s because many usa players were just farming ranksā€¦ (or preparing for Peeeeershings!!!)

Iā€™m tired as you canā€™t believe and play like I have feet for hands lately, yet I still manage wins when fighting in the Ardennes :thinking:

Iā€™m hyped to see how it will look like with the upcoming influx of pc Steam players. How will trends be impacted. Really curious about it.


I an expecting zero rally points and pure frustration. Nothing more, nothing less.

Agree with you, I was BrV player but After lot of, lose lose and more lose circle I decide to give it a try Br2 and Br3 bcs I needed some planes and Stg etc. and Br5 germany keep giving me only 2-5k research points, after the br2 matches I realized Br 2 soviets has so many veteran players and BrV allies has so many veterans, But germany is on the other hand, has little bit playerbase and its playerbase is split between br2 and Br V I believe thats the reason why it suffer

Would that really be that much different than now? :stuck_out_tongue:

At least they will be pc, those guys tend to learn fast.

Noob fest for the first month. Talent blooming slowly afterwards.

yea just like how i got into enlisted after i watch RussianBadger video (good time)

I doubt, majority of them will not continue to play for more than few weeks. Like with every game release.


Itā€™s the minority of precious fishes we aim for.

Df better iron out the game correctly.


The worst part is that DF will definitely release some interesting event alongside the steam release. So dudes like me, who canā€™t resist FOMO anymore, will have to really play and suffer the newbies for those first few weeks after steam release. Itā€™s gonna be a hell of a purgatory.

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One-two time maybe, 12 engi point in the whole game is low.


Oh hell noā€¦


Getting better atm

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Iā€™m finishing German research using BR 2 - lose 90% of games but getting reasonable to great scores even with that - 3-5000 pts (thatā€™s good by my standards - donā€™t care if you are superman! :))