Germans are all bots XD

Good luck with that, I thought the same thing for soviets and after the 4. match I give up, grind is too much for f2p, and this time you will suffer from lack of equipment and soldiers/squad upgrades etc… till you grind all br2 or br3 equipments

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Players who can’t win on their own want wins so they just pile onto some faction that is currently winning by overpopulation. Players are tired of getting stomped because “matchmaker” puts them on weak ass team, so they stop playing underpopulated factions. Problem self reinforces until new fomo event/update changes which factions are going to be zerged/deserted

You can play with “join any” to try and help fight against it…but it also means most of your matches you are put on a “no easy wins here” team

By favoring I meant adding new stuff. Their stuff is good, but not a lot of new stuff has been added, making the playerbase bored with it. Of course, Germany got good gear, there is nothing to debate about

well just checked your last 25 battles and almost all matches were full of human players at beginning. only outliers was one battle where germany (your team) had 10 vs 9 allies and another where you had your team had 6 vs 8 players.

sadly what you are seeing are mostly shit players who dont know how to actually play this game. lot of them are even worse than bots, cause bots at least build rally points, attack caps and dont snipe 200m behind cap with shit kill count.

you´re rigth that´s probably only with you sometimes i have to deal against coordinate players more than 3 or even 5 and rarely i won against them how? Idk… affortunuely most of my games i win more than 4000 points witch is basically around 9k to 10k for investigation so i consider it like a supreme victory XD

I agree. There was perhaps a month there (new match making and influx of Steam players) where the Americans were winning a lot in BR2, North American server. Now, with the Steam players learning the game, they win more often than not.

I think one thing people who’ve been playing this game a lot may not realize is that many steam players know a LOT of other steam players. Ditto console players. It’s a lot easier for Console and Steam players to get matches with friends for a F2P game and coordinate attacks with voice chat.

Two or three players working together on a team will generally outmatch much higher ranked players who are working independently. Simply put, you can’t face three directions at once.

I play as Germany almost everyday for several hours so not everybody but I will say this though sometimes it feels like some of the matches I end up in are full of bot’s because it seems like everybody is sort of standing around not really progressing or moving forward. I feel like this is an area where Enlisted could use a lot work or maybe even a complete rework of the AI engine. The developers having heard this have tried to answer the call and have improved the AI in certain areas but it hasn’t amounted to much.

see my recent games, i only want to say is the playerbase is broken, devs should encourage players to play all factions . many players focusing on one -two faction… also i see from 8 00 pm to 12pm utc …

btw i mainly focus on air superiorty and dont play objectives much inn germnay :}

when you are right, you are right… playerbase is broken cause not many people know that to win you need to play objective…


My recent Axis matches got easier and Soviet matches much harder. While USA stayed the same (win vs axis lose vs jp). In last match yesterday as BR3 Soviet not a single person was building rallies or driving APC. What a miserable experience i need a break.

ok :rofl: , i mean yea whats the point of planes and tanks in this game? , just play objective… planes do nothing

they are there for farming the score when you either have decent team that can cap/defend without your (infantry)support, or you are playing against shit players that dont know how to cap/defend. or to take out really annoying tank/plane.

building rallies and playing objective wins games, not getting high kill count in tank or planes. just to be clear, i enjoy playing tanks and planes (and am pretty decent with them), but if i want to win i am mostly forced to play infantry.

sorry dude i think you misunderstood, im not avg camper… i spend most of times in planes but also rush the points

you know what you are missing in that rifleman squad? an engineer. also assault squads are better for rushing the caps.


that would require massive investment of silver to get many copies of ZK-383 since mp40 is inferior to anything that soviets have at BR2/3

i agree for silver. also even with mp40 you can kill majority of players. you only have problem with soviet smg when they are played by veterans and even then first one to spot enemy usually win.

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