it looks way more Wehrmatch without any possible danger of legal issues.
¿Why not?
Uniform’s colors looks more accurate also:

it looks way more Wehrmatch without any possible danger of legal issues.
¿Why not?
Uniform’s colors looks more accurate also:
I have noticed this before and have actually thought about making this topic
Please take better pics and do another one!.. as long as we can be sure that dev’s could read us there is a little hope we are heard. If they will force us to use this absurd BR and customization. At least make us happy with this requests…
You don’t even need to go to war thunder to find the reichsadler patch. One of the german winter hats have a perfectly made one, so that discards any legal reason as to why german uniforms aren’t historically accurate. Most likely, devs won’t go the trouble to add what is essentially a small detail (which would require to mess with several diffuse and normal map files for every single jacket, cap and visor), specially when there are many more urgent problems to fix regarding soldiers appearance.
This one I very much doubt they would do it, as it’s more troublesome than it appears. What continues to baffle me is that they have hundreds of uniforms and gear, for each faction, already modeled and riged, but continue to leave soldier without any equipment and using clothes that are completely wrong, when they have a historically accurate one available. What makes it worse is that the only thing they needed to correct this problem is to change a few lines of text.
They should rework the uniforms instead neglecting this part. Just look at the “Ardennes” outfit, they shamelessly putted the Moscow and Stalingrad uniforms…
I agree that the uniforms in this game could use more detail, but I think a lot of people spend too much time arguing over the shade of colors in uniforms.
There was much less systemization of coloring at that time, and different clothing manufacturers had access to different pigments; there was no pantone color matching or industry standardization, so there was much more variation in color of uniforms depending on where, when and by whom they were made.
Also there’s the fact that the items in question were manufactured 70 years ago, during a time that color photography was in its infancy, and surviving examples are inevitably faded or otherwise altered from their original color, so identifying the exact colors would be an approximation at best.
A jacket being purple when it should be brown is one thing, but arguing that it’s the wrong shade of grey or green misses the point.
I belive you are kinda misunderstanding the matter; it’s about visual comparision, anyone has it’s right to post and complain about any matter. Personally, i dislike the greener colours on th GENERAL color palet. It’s not about the design chosing. Comparing all the armies, germany certantly has a general tendency to “avoid” too accurate uniforms (That could explain also the lack of ‘Black’ uniforms on tankists), maybe because there was some problems with the Swastikas on the Pre-alpha. But seems they take it TOO serious. As you see. War thunder (a game by Gaijin with the same visual engine), has way Better color scheemes. Let’s forget about the insignias. But the colour sceemes are just not the same as War Thunder. And it seems that War Thunder managed o include a “historical” button to evade Swastikas on tanks or something. I dont play it, but certantly it surprised me when i managed to find exactly what i mean when i saw this uniformed crews in WT… I even thought it was just me, with that uncanny feeling i have while looking at the german green scaled uniforms, also de pants should be gray in most cases or in a way darker and less saturated color than the actual one. Something i didn’t expresed before is also that the Green of the NORMANDY and BERLIN (volksstrum) rifleman squads is absolutely Perfect… about the rest, Here some WT pics to make my point:
The laziness on the Ardennes set is just ludicrous