German Tanks to be added within the new Tech tree system?

As they will be able to add less powerful tanks to the game into the tech tree rather than as levels much later on, hopefully we will be able to get more unique vehicles!

These are some German tanks that I think should be added to the tech tree (alongside the pre-existing ones already in game):

Panzer 38(t).
Although this tank is already in the game as a premium, they should honestly make it as part of the tech tree as it was the most used tank during the initial stages of operation barbarossa, and is very iconic! (Thus, the premium version should be made into a command variant with a radio or something like that)

This tank was technily only used in Norway and only 5 of them were made… BUT I feel it would be a nice tank to have in the tree, it being unique with its twin barrel gun and due to the new BR system like War Thunder, it could serve as a nice counter to the Russian T-28 or T-35 (if they add that as well).

Panzer 38(t) Hetzer.
Although similar to the Stug, I am including it here as i’m a bit biased, since it is my second favourite tank-destroyer. But it does have some purpose in being unique due to it having a remote-controlled roof-mounted MG34, meaning the commander can fire the gun without having to peak his head out!

Panzer 3 L.
Tbh I have no idea why this was not added instead of the Panzer 4F2 in Moscow as this actually was used extensively unlike the latter, but I feel the new tech tree would enable this classic and main tank the the Wehrmacht to be implemented between the Panzer 3J and Panzer 4J. It would be unique by having frontal add on armour, as well as the long barrel gun.

The Marder III (Any varient)
This should be added as it would be quite unique since the earlier version used captured Russian anti-tank guns rather than the Pak-40, as well as being a free open-topped German tank destroyer. However, due to how vulnerable you are to infantry, this should be at a very low BR and unlocked early on since this would give new players a fighting chance against T-34s or Shermans in an up-tier.

Yes I know this tank is already in the game as a premium, but that’s exactly it! It’s criminal having the most used tank by Germany of the war basically locked behind a paywall. Thus, i prepose a tech-tree version be added and make the premium version a Command variant like I recommended with the Panzer 38(t).

The Elephant.
This tank destroyer, while it’s transmission was a bit crap, was actually very potent when it functioned, essentially being near invisible from the front and having a potent 88mm anti-tank gun. Thus this should be a very late unlock and a HR along with the Tiger 2, fighting IS 2s and Pershings. The reason this should be added as I feel it would offer a unique experienced compared to say the Jagdpanther, as this Elephant actually had a really good reverse speed, making it much better as a defensive tool.

Tiger II H.
Tbh I’m suprised this tank was not added to Berlin already, as with the IS-2 1944 but still. This tank is probably the 2nd or 3rd most iconic German tank after the Tiger or Panther.

The Brumbar.
This self-propelled artillery gun would essentially be a German KV2 and function exactly the same and be at the same BR. Also I love this thing in War Thunder so bias :slight_smile:

Now just to clarify, this one I am actually joking about, as you know what the IS2 can do to infantry, this thing would literally be that x100, and so it would probably be super annoying to fight against (even if it has a 3 minute reload). Though at the same time, it would be quite funny to have actually!

I am curious to see what people think! I may also do a Russian, American, British and Italian one of these if I have time but who knows.


Too many premiums for 1 update.

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I would really love to have this thing and fight Stuarts and Chi-ha tanks. This tank is very cool

I don’t know Panzer 4 is already quite better than t-28. Only t-28E is on par with Pz4.

Would be great addition as well




I don’t know how strong the armour on this thing is but I heard it’s quite thick. Can IS-2 and Sherman 76 penetrate this thing?

Idk Tiger 2p is already stronger than regular is-2

I would rather see the Sturmpanzer 2


Please do :+1:

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id love some more variants! it would be great to finally use pz3l and hetzer,marder


Yes but you have to aim for very small weak points and with the handling of tank guns being as they are…you wouldn’t stand a chance.

for Italians, the really only “strong” tank they have is the p40 but even then it was only used by the germans and like only 100 were made, but cool tanks to add would be the Hungarian Turan and Zriny series of tanks.

Ethier premiums, or event vehicles

hi the tanks you said are on publisher not yet finished the only ones that are not on publisher are Neubaufahrzeug and The Elephant and The Brumbar and Sturmtiger

Sturmtiger they could give it it’s real life reload with the crane etc so crew would be exposed

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Tbh, they should just add everything they currently have on game files for every faction and I would be happy.

Tanks, apcs, planes etc.

So much content yet to be seen.

Game just starting…

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I would love to have these for a low-BR setup, both AT and AA variants


They can just put ausf A in tech tree and keep the ausf F as premium tank.

This should be added instead of the Panzer 3J1.

Simple, Add the Stug3G in War thunder Italy tech tree which is without side skirt. So there will be no problem to add stug3g in german tree.


I just want the Ratte.

Yes yes, I know. Wildly ahistorical because it never was even built, but it’d be so fun to walk through the corridors. And immersive as you can head to the bathroom while every Soviet/American plane and tank immediately started to rain fire on you the second you spawned in

Omg same, I didn’t think about armoured cars. I would also like to see Half-tracks like the Pak-40 Halftrack from War Thunder for low BR.

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They can penetrate the Elephant, but only in small weakpoints on the very sides of the armour.

Also thanks, I probably will when I next get time lol

Yeah can’t wait for 60-90min reload because that’s how long it took to reload Sturmtiger not kidding, you could finish 4-6 enlisted games if not more in a meantime Sturmtiger is reloading.

I want Hotchkiss H39 for Germany, i want to use them against Shermans like Germans did in Normandy!


Sturmtiger would either be a shell of it’s real life counterpart or would be stupidly OP.
Same with KV-2

Probably in the battle of france campaign (seriously, we all know it’s coming at some point)

Actually I 100% agree, they were used on the eastern front as well, same with captured Panhard armoured cars as well as B1 Bis! These would be nice event or premium vehicles.

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