German-speaking Italian soldiers in my squad?

Howdy Enlisted forum,

I recently got back into the game, played the game pre-2023 and… I’m a little iffy on the changes, I won’t lie. Legacy squads are no longer acquirable and the ones I have left were starter squads. Turns out I missed out on a whole bunch. I absolutely despise FOMO. (I wish they incorporated legacy squads into the tech tree or as silver coin purchases)

However, that isn’t why I wanted to post. The legacy squads I do have were not maxed out in the German tree. I’m praying they add sub-tech trees like how Italy has Hungary and France with the Benelux in War Thunder. (And when Italy was in Germany back in '17) I decided to main Italian squads for my Germany games and, to my disappointment, the enlisted I do recruit are strictly German. Not Italian speaking. It doesn’t make a lick of sense. I kept recruiting rolled enlisted soldiers and, again, to my disappointment they were German and had German voices. Any thoughts about this? Is there a fix? Do I need to bite the bullet and buy premium soldiers? I feel like this should not be possible.

Change of nationality is mentioned to be planned.

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