For sake of historical, authentic equipment, would it be possible to replace the generic Dynamite Explosive Charge with the bundled granada, aka Geballte Ladung, which was made up from sticking together six M24 ‘potato smasher’ explosive heads onto a seventh stick granade?
This was used as an improvised AT weapon by Germany in WW1 and WW2 on widespread scale.
Balance wise, there is little change from the explosive charge as the charge is similar: each of the M24s held 170 gram of TNT, thus a bundle of seven would hold 7 x 170 gram = 1190 gram.
While we’re at it, can the western Allies be given either the US’ M7 light anti-tank mine for the visuals (1.6kg of TNT equivalent IRL, with use of the secondary fuse in a grenade role?), or perhaps a bundled pair of two of the UK’s no.75 Hawkins anti-tank grenades? (2x 0.45 TNT equivalent IRL)
You’re all going to be executed for trashing commies, and I’m going to labour camp for reading this. And for referring to commies as “commies”. Shit, did it again, fuck! Thanks a ton.