Gerat 03, a German premium squad, should not be in Tier 5

It is incorrect for Gerat 03 to be in the same position as automatic rifles in Tier 5. The Gerat 03 only has 5 more bullets than the Gewehr 43. Mondragon, a much more powerful weapon, is Tier 4, but why is Gerat 03 Tier 5? Gerat 03 needs to go down to Tier 4.


check your squad if you have even one piece of BR5 gear the entire squad is made BR5 and so are you,
the Mondragon is a bolt action fire, it looks one to carry’s fewer bullets, two looks like its fed by a stripped clip, third doing more damage per bullet does not make it better or the best guns in the game would be the BR1’s.

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i think it comes down to several reasons
one The Gerat 3 is a premium weapon while the Mondragon 1908 is a gold order
The Gerat 03 is a WW2 weapon of the 40’s While the Mondragon is a pre-WW1 weapon
rate of fire is the same, Mondragon has better damage and mag size at 30’s
So i agree it is not being judged by the stats i don’t think the Gerat 3 should be lowered but that the ROF of the Mondragon should be nerfed

Those are some… interesting takes. The Mondragon does not need to be nerfed.

Anyway the Gerat should definitely be BR4. A more accurate comparison is that it is SVT-38 with 5 extra rounds (because it does 14.4 dmg instead of 15.3 like the G43).

barking up the wrong tree USSR weapons are consistently put lower in the BR then they should be, SVT-38 should be BR4, stop trying to down tier weapons for seal clubbing, unless you want it like the gewehr 41 loaded with stripper clips the yeah it would be BR4

Especially ppd 34/38 in br4, the developers placed it very low

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Feel bad for those who bought this useless squad they just got scammed really bad this squad shouldn’t even be tier 4 it is just a Gewehr 41 with better reload speed and worst sights