Gas masks

One thing that could be added to the game is gas masks. Many major powers during ww2 had gas masks but didn’t use them because poison gas was never used in the war.
image Type 99 Japanese gas mask

M2 US gas mask
British Respirator, Anti-Gas (Light)
image M38 German gas mask
soviet BN-T4
These could be bought in the gear section of logistics, and could be equipped in the backpack section of the soldier. These could be used to remove damage from white phosphorus grenades on soldiers equipped with gas masks.


There is no reason to use them beyond cosmetics imo.


So what’s the point? Gasmasks will not save you from WP, thats not how it works lol.


They could at least reduce the damage taken from white phosphorus and could be removable in battle. If they did reduce or remove white phosphorus damage, they would be really useful in defending or attacking points in buildings where white phosphorus is often thrown to clear rooms.

White phosphorus clouds are not only dangerous for the lungs. I’d really hope ppl here would start understanding this: gaz masks would be worthless vs those hand held war crimes.

The cloud burns the skin, and pretty much everything. Google those burns for guaranteed nightmares.

If ppl want balance vs those, I’d suggest a limit to how many can be brought by soldiers at the very bare minimum. So no large grenade bag for you, max would remain 1.


They were already in the game, though a few more wouldnt hurt

as of now im fine with the current things are, Germans exclusive to Bomber class. if everyone runs with gas mask it would be weird as hell

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I don’t think a gas mask is enough to save you from a chemical that ignites on contact with oxygen and that is highly fat soluble, easy to get through skin and form phosphoric acid. Maybe the gasmask may provide you protection from phosphorus oxide, but gas masks alone won’t be able to save your common infantry in ww2


If it would protect against phosphorus grenade gases, but at the same time limit the field of view and additionally reduce durability.

So it’s a whole new equipment class that doesn’t even fully protect you from one weapon.
Yeah sure, it may be usefull. But imo it’s a band aid placed on a ripped off leg.

having them as swaggy cosmetics is definitely needed. also flamethrower soldiers often times wore gas masks for a variety of reasons. the current soldiers in game dont have them.

White phosphorus burns the skin for christ sake.
Who think just a gask mask will cover them really ?

Useless suggestion. Sry. Only reasonable for Ofenrohr Gunner. Otherwise pure cosmetic. Perhaps if Nebelbecher will cause coughing, then its a useful Item.