I have become the edge. Lord of drip.
maybe if it was ww1 setting game with constant threat of gas attacks and gas mask would have real functionality like in BF1 or other ww1 games, sure. but its not, so no, keep it for ofenrohr or maybe some flametroopers. motorcycle goggles and simple face covers where it fits like tunisia? sure, why not
In game we can equip soldiers with helmet, tops, bottom and sometimes gloves.
On some tops there are different pouches or bags. Some of them are bags for gas masks…
So they are ready to be equipped by soldiers. I want them to be cosmetics on the face.
We’re not here to discuss the fact that there were no gas weapons, we’re here to discuss how many gas masks were on the battlefield. They were enough gas masks as mentionned above to be able to have some as cosmetics. Riflemen, MG gunners, flamethrowers, motorcyclists, whatever classes…
That’s it, for 200 or a bit more golds we should be able to equip a gas mask.
well i am against gas masks inside the game. if anyone here ever wore military gas mask they would know that soldiers would never equip them unless they were in immediate danger of gas. they restrict breathing, make you sweat, limit your FOV and they can fog up making them rather impracticable to wear when there is no danger.
Agreed, maybe may gas mask an equippable item, like using the canteen. Maybe this helps reduce phosphate damage? Idk, there’s not a lot of chemical warfare in enlisted for gasmasks to make sense.
I made something covering this type of topic but it wasn’t for gas mask but I do think having some sort of face covering in the game would be a good thing especially for low end computers.
Can we have some sort of face covering For all factions - Suggestions - Enlisted
You did not read my first post above, did you ? I’ve shown that gas masks were not useful on the battlefield but soldiers were trained to wear it and they were ready to use it (in game some soldiers even have gasmask bag).
I know what is to wear a gas mask in general, it’s incomfortable. But running kilometers and standing shooting a 12kg mg42 are too, german soldiers did not use MG42 like that, but it’s possible in game. So saying gasmasks are incomfortable is not an excuse to not allow us to have those cosmetics.
By your logic, the ofenrohr should put the mask only before shooting. That’s not the case, we’re not in battlefield, a gas mask takes time to put on the face.
I already explained that’s we’re not speaking about the use of gas weapons, we’re speaking about the gas masks. They were used on the battlefield and even by the population in the fear of such weapons. Armies had it, and many other face covers for various missions.This could be cosmetics for us.
I saw that but it’s mostly to help low end computer, a gas mask model would not help but takes more ressources.
i want anime skins for tanks. excuse that they are shit camo and werent used in ww2 isnt valid.
The differences between :
- Gas mask were incomfortables and not very useful but soldiers had them ready to equip on the battlefield, some units used those.
- Decadent sexualized japanese pinkish cartoon little girl camo on a WWII war machine…
are bloody high.
You got no argument, you try to ridiculized mine but you’re wrong, I’m right.
I’ve showed above why gas masks, and other face equipments, should be available to us, players.
you mean difference that both werent used in ww2 (with exception of ofenrorh and flamethrowers)? yes they had it equipped in case of emergency, but nobody wore them, thus making them relevant as anime skins on tanks in ww2.
no you didnt. except gib me gas masks cause they are cool.
btw most of those pictures you showed were from training, where soldiers actually train in their usage.
Gas masks existed and were used during WWII, Anime Skin Camo didn’t even existed.
You cannot compare the two like you did.
I never said gas masks are cool, that’s not why I want them…
I want them because they were available and soldiers used them…
Some pictures are during trainings, some are not. But they are all real WW2 footage.
Soldiers were ready to use them, and some had used them.
To fight in a smoking area, building on fire etc… To protect against winter wind…
Do you think a country will spend so much money and time/logistics for something they never use???
No, gas masks were presents and used by units of different classes (riflemen, gunners, AT etc…)
And like I said before, gold cost could be high. You will not see everyone with that.
Gas masks, Face covers, balaclavas, googles, glasses, facemasks - All those equipments will add variety to the game, those cosmetics would be welcomed by players that could afford it.
give me one documented usage besides ofenrohr and flamethrowers inside battle.
actually yes. cause there was real fear of chemical warfare cause of ww1, so they issued them widely.
these i dont have a problem with, but soldiers would never use gas mask in battle if they didnt have a need for it. ofenrohr and flamethrowers had a need, rest of the soldiers didnt.
like i said before it restricts breathing, lowers your FOV, makes you sweat, fogs up the glass, it even makes communication much harder with your squad mates.
btw i would be ok with gas mask for all soldiers if they also carry a penalty so you only have 75% of your stamina and 70-80% of your FOV.
Documents? Pictures are literally it…
Search by yourself, i open a suggestion, up to you to not believe me.
Proves me no soldier use it, show me documents.
You were not there to see if nobody use it, and as I know you’re not a historian.
“they also carry a penalty so you only have 75% of your stamina and 70-80% of your FOV”
I mean, we can discuss about it. Not fair at all but if it’s needed to make greedy and angry players like you happy… pfff…
yes pictures taken from training or from people posing with gas masks who know where is credible enough proof that people used them in combat…
i cant find evidence of something that didnt exist. i have searched for any evidence that gas masks were used besides ofenrohr and flamethrowers and couldnt find any.
what greedy? what not fair? take ww2 gas mask and then try to run and see how you are breathing after. take it and see how much it blocks your FOV.
It has been used in actual warfare.
In some cases, it was equipped prophylactically, not only to prepare for scientific attacks, but also to protect the respiratory organs from smoke screens and the like.
So, gas masks were standard equipment for soldiers. So, why do you claim that “no soldier wore a gas mask in WW2”?
I saw you provide quantitative data on the player base for this game in another thread, which I thought was a very useful resource and a nice activity.
But you in this thread are not nice. I don’t think the OP’s desire to have gas masks as cosmetic items can be a reason for you to ridicule him so much.
Can we stop this unseemly smear war? It is not a constructive discussion.
If you think it is unnecessary, just state that and don’t try to beat them over the head with impossible arguments and slander.
In the end, it is up to Darkflow to decide what proposals it will accept. They will objectively take into account the opinions of users and decide if it fits their own art style.
There is no need to slander each other here.
So, in my opinion, adding gas masks to cosmetics will not cause all players to wear gas masks on all soldiers.
If it were to happen that all players would buy gas masks, then DarkFlow should change this game to a fantasy WW2 like Wolfenstein. Because that’s what the majority of customers want.

Thanks for your reply SexyTent,
I stop arguing with Robihr, there’s no end in this discussion.
there is difference between standard issued equipment that was held in a bag and soldiers actively wearing gas masks in battle. any resource that i read about ww2 mentions nothing about gas masks in actual battles. i even searched for half an hour on google about this specific topic to try to see if anyone even mentions ww2 gas mask usage and most of them only mention ofenrohr and flamethrowers with rest just being standard item that was there just in case.
here is one answer from quora:
Like many folks have already pointed out, it was a issued piece of gear. And although many carried them till the end of the war, many more simply left them behind in their baggage, camps, barracks, etc. The gas mask cans, (bags for German Paratroopers) made for convenient if not somewhat noisy and bulky storage carriers. Great for keeping stuff dry. Technically speaking though, if the Feldgendarmerie (German Military Police, also known as chain dogs in reference to the Gorgets they wore around their necks while on duty with a chain) found you missing a piece of issued equipment, you could get in serious trouble, and near the end of the war that serious trouble could equate to you being shot, put in a penal battalion, or what have you.
German Gas Mask and Can
Bear in mind that the possibility of gas warfare was still very real to both sides during the war. Both the Allies and Axis had millions of tons of chemical ordnance produced and ready to use. Gas Warfare was considered such a legitimate threat that many nations during the war not only issued gas masks to all of their military personnel, but to their civilian populations as well (how effective the civilian ones would be is questionable at best for most of them.). You can still find civilian masks from the war in antique shops and such here and there, including those meant for children. Fortunately it did not come to that, but if one side made use of them, regardless of how desperate they were, the gloves would be off and the horrors inflicted upon millions in Europe almost thirty years prior would befall them again on a much more massive scale.
I know of two cases though where it almost did. One was mentioned earlier, in reference to the American Ships bringing in Mustard Gas to Italy in 1943 in which one was bombed by the Germans in the Harbor. That was actually kept classified and covered up for decades. If the Germans had learned that the US had actually brought chemical weapons to the European Mainland, there’s a very high probability they would have gone ahead and started using their own. The other time was when some Germans were intercepting American communications, and they kept hearing references to gas. Fortunately, an officer present had happened to go to school in America for a little while, and knew that the gas there were referring to was petrol/gasoline, and not chemical weapons.
German workers in 1946 destroying chemical bombs under US Army Supervision
On a slight change of topic, there were some positions within the German Military in which one would use his gas mask on a fairly regular basis, such as some armed with flamethrowers, and in the early days of the Panzerschreck (The German version of the bazooka, but much larger and actually effective against almost all armored vehicles up to the end of the war) before they started making blast shields for them to protect the user from the back blast of the rocket. Many German soldiers also conducted Physical Training wearing their full kits and gas masks, like many modern soldiers do today.
Fun side note, many of the gas mask filters from this era contained asbestos and/or charcoal! What doesn’t kill ya!
Above: Early Panzerschreck in use for training, operator is wearing gas mask for protection
idk what is impossible argument and slander. i simply ask for piece of evidence where battle usage of gas masks is recorded in real life (except ofenrohr and flamethrowers which already have gas masks equipped).
then add anime tanks. you wont see them often and if all players buy anime skins, then that is what majority customers want. right? ffs if there are already fictional/time traveling weapons and tanks doesnt mean that i want fictional camo (like i said before differentiate between issued equipment that wasnt used and actually used one)
also about those pictures you posted. are they from battle or from training or some promotional pictures or from movies? first picture seems like promotional picture and second seems like it is from a movie.