Game is not fun anymore

Im stuck att 50 point bqs ending up with noobs all the time.
Players who dont build rally points and if the do not close enough.
Players who dont know here the target is and running around looking for magic



Enlisted onboarding experience for new players:


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How long did it take you to figure this out?

I wonder…

…and I was planing to grind USA after Soviets, which, sadly, are in the same boat.

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I just finished a match playing level 5 US squads. I had 4 kills and the match was over before I could tie my shoe. :rofl: Pretty much all my squads were dead within seconds of spawning, and I have no idea how I had 4 kills as I just resorted to shooting at trees as soon as I spawned so at least I wouldn’t die with a full magazine. :rofl: So, back to my German squads I guess.

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Mushrooms are dope, don’t insult the mushrooms they didn’t do anything to you.


That’s why we need at least some sort of skill based match making
Maybe based on K-D and we need full player lobbies!
Those are my only problems with enlisted

sounds good, doesnt work.

K/D doesnt translate to skill. If someone is farming bots and new players with his downtiered br 3 tank while playing the meta faction and he gets 200 kills without dying a single time does that mean that he is good? No it doesnt. Also players who prefer mortars, planes and snipers would always have good k/d even if they wouldnt be that good. It is really hard to indicate if the player is good or not.


The same thing has been happening to me for more than a month, like many other players too (Get crushed on almost all games when playing alies)

From what I have read in other forum posts of other players suffering the same thing, the problem is that the community plays more with the axis than with the allies (it is as if it were a seasonal trend) and if you play with the allies, It is very likely that your team will overwhelmingly lose almost every game.

This is a problem that has several variables, among the most important of which are the current state of the BR, the match making and the bonuses offered to the factions.
At the moment, there is no indication that the developers are working to improve this (Maybe someone has more information and can contribute something more on this)

Fantastic grilled with a bit of butter. Add on your steak with 3 pepper sauce.

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Snipers vs snipers only.

3 hour match :ok_hand: :sweat_smile:

You forgot plane and tank spammers.