Game bugging at end of round

this is what happens every time the map ends. I dont lose progress but i do have to restart the game over and over. Anyone else having this issue? it also comes up saying 'node ‘/bloom_downsample’ is pruned. if that helps. Im at a loss with this one. Can anyone help ? cheers

Can’t tell if you have custom hanger or some other mods, perhaps?

Sorry what does that mean? like am i running a mod?

If not mods maybe a pic of some settings of yours. But you may have to report a ticket in game if it’s some legit error.

so just pictures of in game graphic settings?

Wrong topic.

But turn off framegen.

oh sorry, as in i posted in the wrong section? whast framegen? in graphics settings?

Yes. If you have a 40 series graphics card, it might have been turned on by default. It can be bugged atm.

Also judging by the error, trying modifying bloom settings.

i cant see a framgen? maybe im in the wrong spot

what are the bloom settings?>

There is no seperate setting for Bloom my bad.

And FrameGen is probably not the problem.

Try posting here, more people will see it: Mess Room - Enlisted

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thanks for your help. Just posted in that section hopefully it can be fixed. i changed some settings in graphics and a different error came up.

What GPU are you using?

im using a radeon rx 7900xtx 24gb vram