I wholeheartedly disagree, Fw 190 D-12 is lethal, your just using it wrong and i will explain why.
You have to play to its strengths, the Fw 190 is not a turn fighter, its a boom and zoomer. So climb, give yourself the altitude advantage at all possible times, if there is any enemy aircraft, you will be above them. Dive on them, you will gain ridiculous speed, 650 most of the time, maybe even 700 occasionally.
Do not engage in a turn fight unless you are sure there is no other enemy aircraft and that your target is too damaged to fight back, Fw 190 isnt a turn fighter, think of it like a hawk or a peregrine falcon, you dive for your prey. Even if you miss your shot, do not immediately turn to re-engage, you’ll lose all your speed, energy and altitude which removes any of the advantages that your aircraft has, your basically playing into the enemies hands at that point. The fighters you’ll face are yak 3 and la5fn which are great turn fighters especially at low altitude, so i cannot stress this enough, do not turn fight in a fw 190!!!
When you reach your target, give them a burst of your one 30mm and two 20mm, they rip any aircraft to shreads and makes easy work of il2 but make sure you give the il2 a extra big burst so that you dont have to repeat the process because sometimes it can be stubborn.
When youve killed your target, pitch your nose up immediately, almost vertical to regain the altitude you’ve just lost. Because of all the speed and energy you’ve built up, your back at 1200 before the enemy can even react to you, they will be too low and slow to reach you in any capacity, and if they’re stupid enough to pull up and engage you, they will be a floating brick by the time they reach you and will be easy pickings.
Its bomb armaments are great too, i find the one 250kg and four 50kg bombs to be better than two 250kg bombs on the me410 for example, they spread over a greater area which gives you quite a bit of kills.
Overall i think its a great aircraft, i really enjoy playing it. I always end up dominating the skies with it, almost impossible for the enemy to deal with when you play to its advantages. Makes it hard for AAA to get you also because your constantly going above 500 tas, often deciding if the enemy team caps a point or not. So yeah i think your just playing it wrong.