Funny bot names

Bot use player similiar name one time i found shivex instead of shiivex


dam if i found one im definitely gonna cap it this time

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How did you know it was not the real person but a bot?
If the battle was recent you could still capture it from a replay.

Just an AI chatbot, I always knew it :wink:

Here it is, was posted on this forum 155 days ago by @robihr
Adamnpee or shivex are not on the list.


They are starting to replace us!

Well, that’s no big deal… right?


Sorry that english isn’t my first language, troll.

I think I would know for sure.

in destiny i meet a fellow called horsewanker

I made a joke, no insult.

“How did you know it was not the real person but a bot?”
That question is to @noktinnky_noktin

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because his name doesnt appear on the player list when i quit the match?
oh and no it wasnt recent it was 2 week ago

All of you talking past each other lol.

It wasn’t funny to me.
(but maybe my mind just isn’t clear. The first time I answered you was a few minutes after I woke up. And now it’s a few minutes after I woke up again :exploding_head:)

I am using the same nickname decorator since HMG update. I have never seen any bot with decorator.
And I believe this guy can recognize bot, lol.
(Btw. I am posting screenshots so often here, Anyone who comes here quite often must have seen my decorator.)

Or do you think, I am taking off my decorator, then invading random customs while pretending I am bot?
Tbh, that’s pretty insulting too.

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actually i have never seen your decorator so i wouldnt have know

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That’s fair, but whatever.

sorry mods for bringing this old post up.

But hey guys, we found him!


He has a buddy called TheWanDick but I forgot to make a screenshot.


I’m pretty sure I seen that bot like once before didn’t think about it at the time tho

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Would you look at that, his second in his team too.


The legend LastDick (in last place).
So glad to see him back in action, for Axis this time.


Axis are on a losing streak so he decided to take matters into his own hands and turn it around!
Its over for the allied victory farming :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Lol, yeah it’s definitely a turning point. You know it’s joever when they decide to throw Last Dick in.
He’s a bit of slow starter tho.

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