Funny bot names

I remember someone did post an excel sheet with all the names of the bots.
There were like 3 boobs[insert random number] bots as well.

but swastika is too much :face_in_clouds:


bro i literally found a bot name adamnpee like no joke i thought the real adamnpee join my custom game but nope it a bot
sad i didnt capture it cause it was weird and i thought it was the real adamnpee so i didnt bother to cap it

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Am I even real person? I am starting to question my whole existence.


Bot use player similiar name one time i found shivex instead of shiivex


dam if i found one im definitely gonna cap it this time

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How did you know it was not the real person but a bot?
If the battle was recent you could still capture it from a replay.

Just an AI chatbot, I always knew it :wink:

Here it is, was posted on this forum 155 days ago by @robihr
Adamnpee or shivex are not on the list.


They are starting to replace us!

Well, that’s no big deal… right?


Sorry that english isn’t my first language, troll.

I think I would know for sure.

in destiny i meet a fellow called horsewanker

I made a joke, no insult.

“How did you know it was not the real person but a bot?”
That question is to @noktinnky_noktin

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because his name doesnt appear on the player list when i quit the match?
oh and no it wasnt recent it was 2 week ago

All of you talking past each other lol.

It wasn’t funny to me.
(but maybe my mind just isn’t clear. The first time I answered you was a few minutes after I woke up. And now it’s a few minutes after I woke up again :exploding_head:)

I am using the same nickname decorator since HMG update. I have never seen any bot with decorator.
And I believe this guy can recognize bot, lol.
(Btw. I am posting screenshots so often here, Anyone who comes here quite often must have seen my decorator.)

Or do you think, I am taking off my decorator, then invading random customs while pretending I am bot?
Tbh, that’s pretty insulting too.

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actually i have never seen your decorator so i wouldnt have know

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That’s fair, but whatever.

sorry mods for bringing this old post up.

But hey guys, we found him!


He has a buddy called TheWanDick but I forgot to make a screenshot.


I’m pretty sure I seen that bot like once before didn’t think about it at the time tho

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Would you look at that, his second in his team too.