Fully-fledged Italian Tank/Armour tree for the new system!

Hello! I previously made a topic about German tanks I would like to see added to the new system, however as the Italians have very few incomparision, I decided to do a bit of research to gather ideas! However, little did I know that I would create an actual tech-tree taking into account the BR / battle star (as I will call it) system we saw from that image of the Russian tree uploaded by the devs!

that makes sense (at least in my mind) while also ensuring the tree is entirely unique with no borrowed German stuff!

(NOTE: I am going to include the 3 Italian tanks currently in the game just to flesh out the tree, as else it would be too little).

So let’s begin!

This is already in the game. This would still be the first tank unlocked and would be zero star.

This would combine the quick firing gun with the better armour of the M13/40. I feel this would also be a nice stop-gap and would provide a unique by providing both elements from two tanks already in the game. (Though it would essentially be a better / unarmoured Panzer 2). This will be 1 star.

The best way I can describe this thing is as a mini grant/m3 lee for the axis, and it will function in the same way by having a strong (for it’s br) gun for dealing with tanks in the hull as well as having a machine gun turret to protect against infantry who stray too close! This will be 1 star.

L3/33 Flamethrower:
Everyone loves the L3 from War Thunder! Have I do feel it would be a pointless in this game as a regular tank due to it being even worse than the AB 41. BUT, as a flamethrower tank, it will act similar to the Flammenpanzer 2 and OT-26 in Stalngrad, and essentially fill the role of an Italian flamethrower tank! This will be 2 star.

Already in the game! This will be 2 Star.

While similar to the previous tank in appearence, this varient was a later model, coming with an improved engine and slightly better gun and better ammo. However, as this is very minor, it will still be 2 star.

AB 43:
This would essentially be an Italian Puma, very quick with a potent gun but no armour! I can also see this thing being brought into uptiers so Jumbo drivers you better watch your sides :sweat_smile:! This will be 3 Star.

75/32 M41:
This is already in the game! This will be 3 Star!

105/25 M43:
This is similar to the previous tank, however it has a much more potent gun! To give you an idea this thing will be able to fight M1AI Shermans and T-34 1940s. However you still have the same armour as the previous tank, so you will need to be more stealthy and less brawly! This will be 4 Star.

75/25 M43:
This tank is similar to the previous yes in having the same gun and engine, BUT it has much better armour, so much so that if you angle it would basically be a mini jumbo. However, it will still be 4 Star due to lacking a turret and so can be flanked by enemy tankers!

This was a late war Italian medium tank, using the same gun as the M43 with slopped armour. The best way to describe this is as an Italian T-34 and I can see it fighting M4 Shermans and T-34/76 (1941)s as an equal matchup! This will be 5 Star.

90/53 M41M:
While essentially being a more exposed Marder III, it packs a very powerful 88mm gun (If I remember) and so would also be able to fight IS1s and Jumbos in an up-tier. But, as it is so exposed, it will remain at 5 Star.

Breda 501:
This tank is very similar to the above, but it much much faster, and would essentially be like a Puma on steroids. I think this will be a good meme vehicle :grin:! This will be 6 Star due to being an 88mm on a racing car.

75/46 M43:
You may be thinking, didn’t this tank appear before!? Well yes and no! While still being the up-armoured / jumbo version of the M43, this version has a much more powerful gun, being able to pen IS1s and Jumbos. I can see this thing also well holding its own against 76mm Shermans and T-34 85s and so would be 6 Star.

Ansaldo-Fiat P43 bis:
Now for the big boy. This thing is essentially like the Maus in the sense that only 1 was ever made (or it may have even been a wood mock-up but I pray :grimacing:) but also not like the Maus as it’s gun and armour was no where near as good and it was faster. But, this thing, for an Italian tank, had exceptional armour and had the best Italian gun put on a proper Italian tank! To give perspective this thing would be the equvilent of a Tiger 1 or Panther that the Germans get, and would be able to fight Jumbo 76 Shermans, IS1s and early IS2s! This would be 7 Star.

Sadly Italy has nothing like the King Tiger or Pershing or IS2 (1944) and so would not have an 8 Star Tank.

What do you guys think!?


Invasion of Italy would be a great campaign addition


I 100% agree! Would love to see Rome and the Gothic line!


Thanks for your suggestions. However, I think too many early tanks may be redundant since people will be going for the stronger ones anyway (some may be event vehicles though).

Also, unfortunately, nor the P43 neither the P43bis were ever a thing. None was built except for a wooden mockup. This has been discussed for a long time on War Thunder forum. The b&w picture you found is the edited photo of a scale plastic model.

So, I guess Italian tanks will be capped at P40 and Semovente M43 75/46. Anything further would mean resorting to postwar lend-lease Shermans, which is obviously not an option.


Fair enough, but the reason I gave them so many early tanks to make up for them having less tanks. Also I didn’t realise it was a plastic model lol. Tbh tho, I wouldn’t mind seeing the P43 anyway, even if it is a wooden mock up, as long as it fits the theme was actually was drawn up. It’s the same reason I would like to see the FlakPanther Coalian.

Sadly none were ever made. That photo is a model.

Some corrections and suggestions

I would prefer to see the 75/34 instead of the 75/32 as the 34 was the mass produced version while the 32 was a temporary prototype ( I seriously do not understand this choice by the developers )

105/25 M43 it has better frontal armor than the M42

I think you mean the 75/34 the 75/25 does not exist

90mm 90/53 mod.1939

same story 90mm 90/53 mod.1939

it has reached the 1:1 wooden model stage and I believe some initial work on a prototype has begun


Other vehicles that could be added could be: (if you want I can post many more)

FIAT 611 large armored car armed with a 37mm cannon

Fiat-Terni (Tripoli) SPA38R armored car armed with a 12.7 machine gun could be an initial anti-aircraft vehicle thanks to the elevation of its weapon and the uncovered roof

L3 with 12.7 machine gun

and 13mm machine gun

Autocannone Family: There are a lot of different vehicles so I mention some
TL37 with 75/27


Breda 52 with 90/53

Fiat 634N 102/35 (imagine killing someone with a naval cannon)


I believe that historically speaking we will be able to insert the Tiger 1 as the Italian crews were training for their use (but they did not complete due to the armistice in September) and in addition we also had the Panzer 3, 4 and Stug 3

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Thanks for the corrections! Yea I meant the 34 lol.

Also I like your suggestions, I recognise that armoured car from Battlefield 1! It would be a nice first vehicle / zero star before the AB 41!

The only problem I and I feel others may have is that they would just be grinding the same vehicles from the German tech tree, thus repeating the problem people have with grinding several MP40s. Also, If there is going to be multi-faction battles (e.g Britain and America v Japan or Germany and Italy v Soviets), It would make more sense to have everything in Italian tree be unique to them.
Though maybe some German tanks could only appear in the Italian tech tree.

The one in BF1 is the Ansaldo Lancia 1Z which was used both in ww1 and ww2 by the Italians and the Germans


But how about Germany who occasionally used Italian stuff? How do you think that would work

i think it can stay after all germany used a lot of italian equipment of all types and Italy did the same with German material

some Italian examples
ghewer 43




Bersaglieri MP40


All the tanks from M15 and later (besides the M41 90mm) was only used by Germany in Italy, so Italian gear but used by germans.

With your proposal we’re just becoming warthunder.

Germany had a puppet government in North Italy as well

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If we can add mandolin on the italian tank so why not :wink:

Interesting samples с: thx for sharing it