Fucked up navmesh on my mod

The US team is stuck not moving from spawn, while Japan’s team moves to the point just fine. Screenshots below.
Screenshot 2024-05-22 220700
USA team stuck

Japan team moving as normal

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I had same problem with many of my other mods. They start walking into the point at start but in the middle of the game they stop

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this is even worse. When I spawn the US soldiers where I meant to spawn them(Capsized sideways Saratoga aircraft carrier) they don’t move at all. When I spawn them behind the carrier in an LCM with a bridge of rafts leading right to the objective around the ship, they instead get stuck trying to climb on the ship. I put fire where they try to climb and they swim into the fire and burn to death. You can lead a horse to water but this horse is suicidal and will never drink even if you could make it. I can’t fucking win man

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Yeah the AI is way too dumb.

Might have to just delete the saratoga…damn shame

Have you tried to use rebuild navmesh button??

Yeah, many times. I think that ship where it is now is just bad news.

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copy your map to another folder, and rebuild places with broken navmesh, just use some simple walls/platforms, rebuild navmesh and copy the navmesh file to original map. GL man, show results later :smiley:

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