Friendly fire on impact grenades when soldier holding it dies

The stupid things get consistent top score with 2x second place in all metrics, by just running at the point with them held primed. Everything dies, on the receiving end you’re constantly dazed so returning fire is difficult, if you shoot them you still die as they explode.

Nobody likes it except the people using it, it’s the new flamethrower for point clear cheese. if there is counterplay i haven’t found it. Abandon objective?

Suggestion: If you shoot the guy holding the grenade, it explodes with friendly fire enabled (as if the shooter threw it). This would instantly give me meaningful counterplay and give reason to use… Well, any other grenade.


I am quite sure that impact grenades or molotoves wouldn’t explode by waist level drop. There is a certain force required that would make them ignite.

they should simply fell on the ground doing nothing.

the exception would be obviously grenades required cooking, no explanation needed.

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The soldiers do hold them above their heads before they throw them, if that’s the discussion. I just think them blowing up in their faces would be more entertaining than being free farmed by the taliban.

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Just directly ban impact grenades in official matches and compensating players with silver coins equivalent to the amount of impact grenades they hold.

These grenades can still be used in custom games.

It’s rare, but I’ve seen this too and it was one of the most irritating things I’ve experienced.

Should be simple - just make them not detonate unless thrown.


You dunno how to deal with it so you decided to come complain and change the game at your image?
Well, i disagree, impact grenades are fine, use them too.

If the Japanese and Soviet armies can use it, then I have no objection. As a conventional weapon, either everyone has it or none can use it