Friends page doesn’t stop loading when trying to buy the game this doesn’t happen when buying something from War Thunders page he doesn’t use steam only uses his gaijin account i’ve posted a thread on reddit and some other person saids he’s had the same issue and there’s no fix for it.
Try a differnt Browser, use VPN. ?
He’s tried the browser but i’ll see what a VPN does. Edit VPN isn’t possible as you have to buy them he’s just going to wait untl they fix it.
maybe try to login on a phone or ipad wahtsoever
anyway hope he can fix it, sucks to play without friends :DDD
Ok thanks I’ll let him know. Luckily I have other friends buying it hope they don’t have this issue.
Has he tried going directly to the page for the bundle(s) to try and buy it? Here are the individual links:
If these don’t work I would do as OBVis said and try to login from a different network / location. Otherwise, get into contact with our Support team, they may be able to help. Gaijin Support
He wont be using a VPN as i said it costs money and it’s linked to his account it says you own the pack but he doesn’t to solve this issue you have to create a new account but that means a new email ect it’s better to wait for them to solve this issue it’s a simple fix and after the put the reddit post up a lot of others seem to be having this problem and don’t want to create a new account just to play a game they could get later for free.
He does not need a VPN just to login from a different location / network. Have him contact our Support team please, they may be able to help.
He’s going to try via his phone tomorrow i have someone on reddit that displays the same issue they have contacted support and going to tell me what they say.