French Content for Axis

France may have the potential to be a subfaction or the Allies. Free French Forces fought with the Allies in North Africa, Italy, and even during the liberation of France. After France was liberated France officially joined the fight and continued the battle into the heart of Germany. However we should not just gloss over the reality of the situation for France, they were conquered by Germany and the vast majority of their arsenal was absorbed into the German war machine

While France may one day be a subfaction for the Allies, I don’t believe this should be any time soon. (Personally I think French event/ premium squads would be ideal for the Allies). For now I believe the majority of “French content” should be given to Germany just as it was during the war. They can be added as Research Tree, event content, Premium content, and even Gold Orders

First right off the bat, I think the FM 24/29 LMG that is currently an Allies Gold Order should be given to Germany as well

MAS-38, France’s standard SMG but only about 1,000 were made by the time of German invasion, production resumed under Germany

Chauchat, France’s WW1 LMG, was used by various smaller European powers and subsequently captured by Germany

RSC 1917, France’s WW1 semi-auto rifle, antiquated weapons were typically issued to Volkssturm at the end of the war
Ruby Pistol, a Spanish pistol that was adopted by France

Lebel Modele 1892 Revolver, France’s standard revolver of WW1
Modele 1935A, France’s latest standard issue pistol that was just beginning production shortly before WW2

Char B1, French heavy tank

Char B1 Flampanzer, Char B1 was that was converted into a flamethrower tank (honestly would be perfect for an event vehicle)
SOMUA S35, French “medium” tank
Panhard 178, armored car

Obviously there are plenty of other French weapons and vehicles that can be added including prototype and experiments as well as variants such as a MAS-36 with folding stock or the SOUMA SAU 40, an assault gun based on the SOUMA S35, etc; but I’m not gonna list every single thing (for now). This is just the gist


problem with france is that it is BR3 faction at best which wouldnt even be a problem if DF didnt need to fill every nation with BR5 weapons even if it was all paper or faulty prototypes.


Yeah France would be awesome to see if DF wouldn’t ruin it by adding papers and fakes to BR 4-5.

The content is researched and ready


I think if there is any “faction” that deserves to be independent first it should be Britain. I honestly would laugh if we end up getting an independent France faction fighting Germany for 6 weeks yet Britain would stay stuck to America’s hip. It would be stupefying. “Britain will be fighting alongside America on Iwo Jima, Okinawa, the Philippines, and every single other Pacific battle that was fought solely by America, and America will be fighting on every single beach Britain invaded on Normandy (if we get those maps)…but France gets to be a mighty independent faction!”

That’s why I think for the forseeable future most if not all French content should be given to Germany. I think French event/ premium squads would be best for the Allies like the French SAS or Marine Commandos. The Moroccan Goumiers were a perfect example

It’s like if they honestly gave us a Polish faction…really, cmon? At best we should get event/ premium Polish paratrooper squad that fought in Market Garden

france is only nation that has potential to be independent faction, not cause of equipment, but cause it could be paired into MM with both western allies and germany. it would be great idea to balance faction stacking cause france could always go towards less populated faction.

although i would put them as subfaction of allies with separate tech tree, but same MM.

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There’s no real advantage in separating Britain from US. All we need is option to choose nationality of soldier when enlisting for every class, more folders with British stuff.

Seperate Britain would only mean we would be robbed of creating mixed British/US lineups.


Even if France does become it’s own faction one day (personally I lean towards doubt), Germany should still receive most French weapons and vehicles

If France does happen to become a faction one day, well no big deal if they share the same things

To be honest. I see your point. However, it would be more fitting if they’d add them as captured vehicles within folders or premiums.

Yes add Axis france to german tree

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I actually own an 1892 Berthier. One friend dubbed it the “tiny cannon”. Another friend took one shot from a bench rest and refused to fire it again. Good times. Having that in the game in the TT would be grand. Also, for all the crap it gets; I really do like the Chauchat.

I own PPSH-41 and some of my comrades in russia joke on how this weapon pisses god of physics by a ton because its recoil is so little like a laser rifle