Free perk reset has been given for the Assaulter squads from the Operation “Winter Fantasy” (or not)

Continuing the discussion from Preliminary list of changes for the February update:

Literally unplayable.

What do you mean ? At level they would get 16/16/25 Which allow them to get vitality perk.

Oh you probably are speaking about the fact that this is not free actually…

I have my free reroll

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Wtf? They have changed it? Wow, that’s huge
It was 15/15/28 before.

AAAAA, it seems that my laziness to read properly won yet again.

I should pay more attention to stuff like this. Anyway, I am so happy for this change!

Yes, a quite subtle change that make these squads much more useful

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You reported the bug and closed the issue 20 days ago.
Did the bug get fixed?
Cause I still didn’t receive the free perk reset.

I did receive it.

Enlisted has no bugs.

It’s not a mistake, the perks were reset in cases where the stats of the squad soldiers were broken.

That was 6 days ago by another guy.
I wonder why you close your report 20 days ago if it is not fixed.