Found a hidden technically bug, I noticed that the maximum number of players can recorded in custom rooms is 127 (probably from the binary number 128)


I found this suitation by reviewing some long-term battle replays, the number of players will not exceed 127

There are actually some players whose play history has been removed from the game log, like myself.

I observed that when this record exceeds 127, the player information will be cleared from the game. You won’t be able to see your location in the replay, even though you’ve been in the game for a long time.

The number 127 probably from the binary number 128. Perhaps the game server saves player information through a 128 bit size storage structure, and once the number of players participating in the game exceeds this value, it will be leaked.

This will lead to some unexpected situations:

  1. The player’s battle data will be reset to 0, at this time the player can switch camps, as if he had never entered the battle, occasionally you’ll see some teammates’ scores reset to 0/0/0…

  2. If the player’s information is reset at this time, or he has exited the game, this will cause the player’s units to not be properly eliminated by the game, which may cause a memory leak. Normally, when a player leaves the game, his game units will be eliminated in about 2 minutes.

  3. Perhaps it is an unexpected benefit brought by this bug. Once your info is eliminated from combat, you may be able to get away with another bug that prevents players from properly deploying units. ( // Issues) But this only happens when the players reaches 127.

No other conditions affecting normal combat were found yet.

in the custom room, players can quit and join halfway.

So it is very common for the total number of players to exceed 100.

It does not refer to the number of players present at the same time, but the number of players who have ever entered the room.


you are wrong about this. while datatypes can be limited to certain number of bits/bytes (int 4 bytes, long 8 bytes), this is probably array and if enlisted is made in C++(or #), they probably defined it with 128 elements cause they never expected that in 10v10 game you would get over 128 players.

fixing this would require to transition every replay to new data structure and fixing code. it is probably unlikely fix for years to come cause it is not affecting the main game.

btw how did you manage to get over 128 players in game? by players coming and going? or is there mod for 100+ players?

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read the bug report… so it is room with frequent traffic. overall there is no good solution for custom rooms. they can put limits to 200 or 1000, but it would inflate replays to gigantic sizes if those number of players would ever be reached.
even now your replays in custom rooms are 15-30 times bigger than normal replays.

you are using game in ways it was not designed for.

I really recommend that you think it through yourself before giving an opinion. Maybe you are very smart.

But let me remind you that in the custom room, players can quit and join halfway.

Do you think player quitting and joining midway is the way not designed for?

So it is very common for the total number of players to exceed 100.

It does not refer to the number of players present at the same time, but the number of players who have ever entered the room.

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i know. and that is why i said that you are using the game that it was not designed for. game was designed for 10v10 or 20v20 with being replaceable by bots so it would be max 40v40 in one battle. customs break that game design by allowing number of players to go over the limit and by making battles ultra long.

yes cause there is no persistent server officially supported

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You have to accept the fact that the cutom game is part of the game. Even non-modded games have this problem. I don’t see any reason why this bug shouldn’t be fixed.

Otherwise you won’t see a category called Custom Games on the Issue page.

I think this question should be considered and answered by the development team. Instead of players thinking and vetoing the possibility of this bug fix. This looks really weird.

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well i am still waiting for MM bug to be fixed and i reported it a year ago. and it affects official matches. btw literally 5 minute needed to fix it.

and i am not vetoing possibility of bug fix. just that they have different priorities and they are not even fixing critical bugs in official matches.

If you mean issues beyond 10v10, it’s just off topic, compared to this issue, those issues you talk about I see don’t affect the main function of the game. They didn’t directly cause the player to be unable to play the game like the problem of being unable to deploy the battle when he joined the custom room halfway.

You should post another thread to elaborate on them

So I think the issues here that affect functionality are higher priority.

I think in the case of custom rooms and mod room features of the game that have been released for over a year.

Yes they are rarely updated for this area, there are still tons of issues.

But it is obvious that in the custom room, players joining the game midway is just a basic function of the game.

Regardless, it’s still surprising to see such a claim in a mod section on the official forums.

This seems to be answering that players are doing it wrong, they shouldn’t be joining games midway, and removing midway join functionality for custom room games.

It’s a weird debate anyway.

yes you’re right, it’s very interesting

I agree with this point, my original meaning is 128 sizes, it may be a misunderstanding in translation, it is really unlikely that he has one by one byte storage

But I think it is not technically impossible to increase this space to 512 or 1024. Considering they still update the replay format in major updates.

But I think the impact of this problem on the main game is the most important. In fact, these lost players are still recorded in the replay, but their scores will be reset in the middle of the game.

But before this problem, fixing the problem of joining in the middle is still more high priority.

this is P0

Issue in this thread P1 (Although it caused some problems, it did not prevent players from playing the game)

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they affect balance. and that is main function of the game. if you have 10v10 match, then you need to get 10 players in both teams and not 11, 12 or 13.
and to get it acknowledged i needed to summon every dev out there

i agree that issues that affect functionality are higher priority, but customs and replays are in low priority queue.

there is nothing wrong with joining games midway, problem is rejoining same game. game devs didnt make this game with persistent server in functionality. they made it as one instance where player that left will never come back to the same battle and will be replaced by bot or another player (if joining early in battle)

also in my previous comments i was mostly commenting on replay bug and not on rejoining bug. you discovered 2 bugs here, 1 with replay functionality and other with rejoining same game.

This statement should be,

game devs did make this game with persistent server in functionality. BUT with bugs.

Whatever you like, if you’re not a major player in this official game features, naturally you belittle them.

not when they treat persistent server as one instance.

it is quite easy to change the number, but it brings other implications. all data is made in data structures for easy and effective reading. when you change array [128] to array[512] you must translate old data into new data. this would make all old replays effectively useless (or they could make some compatibility layer for old replays). also there is possibility of this change to drastically increase size of replays.
and finally you wouldnt be fixing the problem, you would just be delaying it. what happens when you reach 512 or 1024 players? you will get multi gig replay that is incomplete.

Actually, They dont resolve the old replay datas.

Actually this happened times. If you were use the replay feature in game. Your old replay will not work in new version game

This is common case in development. We just ignore old data


I think it would be more proper for a size changeable data structure for this. Just think about how orther games did it.

This is designable and implementable

They can even embedded a raw json array string to do this


But as outsiders, we are not aware of the technical constraints in the developer’s reality, and our discussions as players do not dictate the development team’s approach. All of these we discuss are probably ill-advised ideas.

As a player, I expect the dev team to find the right way to solve these problems. Solve them based on appropriate priorities