For those who are wondering, only AT can use the fliegerfaust / luftfaust b

First impressions, it can one kill common vehicles ( opel blitzes, kubel cars, willys, and bikes ), and it takes a while to aim and fire against airplanes, but it gets the job done if you know how to use it.


Rockets fly pretty fast, does it get that aim assist reticle though?


Fliegerfaust for pilots when? XD


no aim reticles

even if it would get one though, it wouldnt’ really make a difference as this weapons has huge dispersion.

granted, if they hit, chances of the pilot surviving are very low

It does? The harsh recoil seems a bigger problem to me than not having one of the 9 rockets hit the target. I think I´m just gonna use it to dunk on soldiers, shot a Panzerfaust in the back of this flame punk and felt hella satisfying.


Is recoiless in this game

Technically yes, the Japanese’s Type 5 Recoilless launcher (The AT launcher that looks like it’s shooting a stick hand grenade) is in the game. It’s just a cheap low velocity recoilless that only had the effective range of 30-50 meters. It would’ve become the Japanese equivalent of a reloadable Panzerfaust if the US were to invade Japan’s mainland.

Do only the Germans get it?


so, it’s basically rocket shotgun? fucking awesome!

yeah, we could call it like that.

hard to practice, but satisfying to get kills :slight_smile:

( generally, it’s more easy to line up where the plane is about to strife and shoot it when it’s going in a straight line. or, calculate the trajectory a bit ahead and the speed, to then fire when it’s turning. although it requires more precision. )