For God Sakes Fix Matchmaking

Match after match, it’s not even close to even in terms of rankings.



The only matchmaking we have in-game is a BR restriction.

We have 2 queues.


When it comes to skill, actual players, equipment or whatever- Doesn’t matter.
So long as you hit the BR bracket, that’s all MM will do.


There’s already max rank ppl?

Jeesus since new bp I barely managed to play 4 battles…


I highly doubt, I never saw a single marshal since BR reset.

Those are most likely just old screenshots.

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That sounds quite a healthy number to me :relaxed:

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Chinese. They ruin everything. They have made The Finals not worth playing anymore.

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Rank means absolutely nothing except as a show off.

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Skill issue. Chinese players are good so u need to be gold too.

To add to this issue with matchmaking: I have basically had only 1 streak of matches today, where I was playing the Spitfire (NO bombs or rockets) and the enemies didn’t have a single player with an airplane. It really became more noticeable than ever when time and again all I did all match was fire at infantry with 20mm because I had no air targets.

This is why everyone picks the plane with the best ordnance.

You shouldn’t get a match where the entirety of the enemy team has a tank and no plane in their loadout. Matchmaking should pair a minimum of loadouts with a plane, and with a tank respectively, together to avoid such gaps in team composition.

Infantry is the focus of the game. If u have this problem, just bail out and fight on the ground. The tank does not have this problem because it is powerful to destroy infantry and can be easily taken down by infantry.


Oh, you missed the point.

The story you focused on just goes to illustrate why I noticed the disadvantage the enemy team had.

That disadvantage being: No air support.

Teams are imbalanced enough just through player skill, but if one side can potentially keep bombing and the other never does, that only makes it worse - and unlike skill-based matchmaking, the fix is fairly easy here.

I’ve done enough to get the first reward from the event

Just play infantry in matches where your air superiority fighter is useless?

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If no one wants to take planes then no one will have planes

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Only hop into a spitfire if the enemy team already has a plane in the air. And when you’ve eliminated all targets you can jump the plane and equip your squad with good gear to make mini paratroopers.

Idk if they changed the ranking stuff recently, but I would always hit max rank in just a few days. Unfortunately, since the BR change my winrate went from ~75% to 23%. Not because the matches have fair equipment but because I keep getting bot teams. I am only playing right now to gather more insight for suggestions and because of the event. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the game and have had some very fun matches in BR 2, but they contrast quite a bit with the bot matches and have tanked my win rate.
Excuse my Yapanese

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It was my 4 battles. Then I took a break :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t remember how many exactly I did. 3-6 I’d guestimate

This is the beginning of the season, so there is a big gap in rank

And the even more outrageous rank difference than this picture is believed to have been encountered by everyone present, this game basically does not match based on rank.

And there are always people who say that rank does not represent strength, but the reality is that in most cases it does. I wouldn’t say that a marshal is definitely stronger than a lieutenant general, but he is definitely stronger than a sergeant.

i do have my building suspicions of hidden SEL though.