More are leaving than Joining Enlisted.
Enlisted is a pretty good game considering it’s in Beta testing stage. but there are some critical issues here, Which make more users leave Enlisted than numbers Joining.
One of those problems, Issue is the current Campaign system.
Current Campaign System Issue
Current Campaign Research system is Divided Separately by each Campaign and Each faction.
So, there is total of 12 Factions in-game now. users need to Grind it all back from bottom to start another campaign.
For Example, Currently there are 5 German Factions in-game now. Moscow, Normandy, Berlin, Tunisia and Stalingrad are it. It means, You need to grind all back from bottom to research Very Familiar , MP 40, MG 34 and more. These System makes users get Tired easily, and even to Leave the game. Current Campaign system needs to be Changed, Improved.
Tech-Tree System Suggestion
So I Suggest a Tech-Tree system to solve this Issue.
Currently, Campaign System handles both your Squad unlocks and Weapon/Vehicle unlocks. This System has some critical problems, like:
1. Every Each Campaign Is Independent, and To be Researched from Scratch.
As I mentioned Before, You need to Grind EVERY campaign from Scratch, Grinding Familiar Weapons all again. It makes the Game very Exhausting, which is the main issue.
2. It is difficult to insert new weapons between the existing campaign Levels.
It’s hard to put new weapons between campaign levels that already exist. These problems lead to ridiculous situations, such as poorer weapons coming at higher levels.
Those are a few of them, Current system has more Problems/ Issues to be Solved.
So I’m Suggesting separating the Weapon/Vehicles Research part from the Campaigns system To the New Tech-tree system.
Tech Tree System?
Tech Tree System that I’m suggesting would be more flexible than the current system. Current 12 Factions are Reduced by 4: Soviets, German-Axis, US-Allies, Japan-Axis.
Here is a few Examples:
Those are the Tech-Tree examples for each Faction, distinguished by the Timeline.
- Early War Stage - Tier is From Pre-War to 1942, which includes the Battle for Moscow.
- Mid War Stage - is From 1942 to 1943, Which includes Battle for Tunisia and Stalingrad.
- End War Stage - is from 1944 to 1945, Which Includes Battle for Berlin and Normandy.
Since the Pacific is announced to cover all the Pacific Fronts, It would no matter that much for it.
and for Automatic Rifles/Weapons for Balance, They could be Restricted until researching X Numbers of Rifles and etc.
Vehicles tech-Tree would be discussed further in other articles later.
Weapon Customization
also As you can notice in the Example image, There is no Variation of Weapons like “with Grenade Launcher” or “with XX Magazine”, except for the Scoped Variants. I am also planning to suggest the Weapon Customization system.
These Suggestions for Weapon Customization will be discussed further in other posts later.
Current system needs Total Improvement
As I mentioned above, Current Campaign system is making more Issues and Problems as the game and campaign number grows Larger. These system needs to be touched and Changed to solve this.