Folgore Paratrooper Battle Rating

lol so this is the only thing you got? Your theory has been debunked.

No, I am just trying to help you in your journey to learn how to write in fluent English.

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No thanks this is just a game forum.

I am just trying to help you with your understanding on how dev implement stuff.You canā€™t randomly invent some weird theory and blame it on dev.

:neutral_face: Whatever you say.

As with many things I say flamethrowers are not as OP as some would think. With such chaotic gameplay and a million ways to die itā€™s just as easy to take out a flamethrower as it is for them to take you out. Plus you have to survive long enough to actually reach the objective. The maps (playable area and distance between spawns and objectives) may be small, but itā€™s still a trek to survive in this chaotic game.

Now. These Paratrooper flamers may be a slightly different situation because of coarse they can just drop on point.

But in my experience, especially since the Merge, paratroopers dropping directly onto the objective almost never survive. Theyā€™re always wiped in moments. Itā€™s a real perk of having full human teams, because all eyes are going to be on the paras.

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the OP-43 could stay in BR4 because itā€™s the reason why the weapon in high BR, not the Packages it comes with. Otherwise theyā€™d make the M1A1 Carbine unable to appear in Japanese games because they smuggle in an M1919A6 to Pacific.

They made that clear when they added the Soviet paras instead of bandaging it with lower BR gear until they found a way to make Low and High BR matches and the only reason they removed the RD-44s, DT-29s, BM-41s, scoped AVS-36s, and Panzerfaust 100s was because the stupid annoying Wehrbs who think they know better kept complaining about Balancing. They somehow managed to get the mp40 in tier 2 when that was incredibly unnecessary.

If we were gonna whine about para drops, the Vickers only gets Piats, Springfields, and Lanchesters when it should have 50 round Thompsonā€™s, M9 zooka, and M1C Garand. It makes no sense why it only gets low BR weapons when itā€™s a high BR squad. Same with the Thompson 100. For some reason it only gets M1 Bazooka, BARs, and Springfields.

This could be a (somewhat) understandable reason, except BR-locked crate loadouts are now the norm for every other para squad.

One may say that with flamethrowers itā€™s a different coding because it isnā€™t about changing a weapon in a loadout, but barring out a loadout completely. Except, guess what? In practice mode, all para squads have got ALL their possible loadouts for EVERY BR inside the crate. So the game can evidently handle a variable number of loadouts.

It is literally simple as that.


Give extra ammo from the crate to the paratroopers that donā€™t get a secondary weapon.

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The gun itself is quite good. A 40rds mag would keep it at high BR. I think itā€™s better to have 20 rds and a lower BR.

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Giving the OP-43 a 40 round magazine would quite literally just make it a slightly better Beretta M1.

Which is currently BR III. If we want the Folgore squad to be on par with British, US and Japanese low BR paras, it should be BR II.


The Beretta 20rnd is BR1 with 600rpm by defaultā€¦ and the gun use 40rnd magazine by default IRL, cuz availability and more practical


Probably one of the best things that could happen to BR I Germany.

With the smaller mag as only restriction, Germany gets an otherwise BR IV worthy, deadly and accurate SMG which incidentally is also dirt cheap to upgrade to max stars.


Soviet PPD 34 and PPS: Nice Joke bro


Those are good, but the Beretta isnā€™t overall any worse.

Beretta is nowhere near BR4, Kilary belong in BR4


It sits higher than it should be. Same with the Beretta M38/42. They should both be bumped up to tier 4 with the Beretta M38 40 rounds. Same with the Beretta M1918 and 20 round. They fire too fast for a German smg that low.

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Tell that to the 40rds M38.

How about no.

Premium Panzer III M is also very indestructible for BR2 - while unlike the Matilda having a decent gun.

Before the merge I used it to counter Jumbo tanks.

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