Focus on AI on the next roadmap

There are no mentions on implement of AI in the currwnt roadmap. So I think the next roadmap should have a strong emphasis on the AI.

The game has been out for the public for about 3 years. We’ve heared many times that AI is being improved, and it was with some smaller or bigger updates. Yet after all of this, game’s so called “main” feature remains a sad joke.

We can give our AI only very basic orders. And they still struggle to complete them without a clear reason.
AI struggles with pathfinding.
It struggles with finding cover. Or actually completely can’t use it.
It struggles with awareness of it’s surroundings and danger.
It either doesn’t shot or snipes you through 5 bushes.

So after 3 years of some tinkering, AI is still basically in alfa stage. Smaller improvements didn’t change much so imo a whole next roadmap dedicated to AI is needed to make it good (or at least not bad) once and for all.


AI where bit smarter and terminators for what I hear in old times

No, they weren’t smarter. They just could see through grass and bushes better. Occasionally they would shoot you through dense greenery but other than that, they were just as useless. They still couldn’t shoot ppl in front of them or do anything else.

That’s not what I suggest to implement of course.


Omscient bots is not “good ai”


All I can say is that developers are aware of the desire from players to improve AI, it’s pretty evident everywhere we look. We’ve reminded the developers once again about this. :slight_smile:

Those things on the roadmap (especially Silver economy/progression overhaul) are the priority for now though, alongside other upcoming updates with parts of the image.


Good to hear.

That’s kind of my point. AI is being worked on in the background, and that’s great. But imo it’s about time for AI to become the priority in the next road map and get some deserved masive improvements.

Of course I don’t know how it looks on the back end. So maybe that’s just how much resources devs have for AI development and it can’t be cranked up any further.



it would be really great to have

  • better pathfind for ai

  • more AI behaviors ( defensive positions, storming a house ( and not in a single file line through the same bloody door ) , cease total fire etc )

  • have AI changing equipment based on BR

  • let AI use APC, bike, and any general machineguns to the AI with a button.

  • improve accuracy and responsiveness of ai based on veterancy, weapons and class ( a sniper should be way more precise than a rifleman. yet they are equally bad )

  • let the AI destroy rally points in proximity of 10 meters instead of walk next to it

and the following kinda separated but also important for those AI that replaces players

  • let AI use vehicles, tanks, airplanes, apcs ( and spawn with it ), stationary machineguns, stationary at cannons, and stationary AA.

  • patrol and way points for soldiers to guard general areas ( for modders over the editor ).

  • don’t make them stack all in one place inside the capzone, but widen their location.

it would be about time to make the AI step up, and feel more professional / efficient rather than just being headless chickens that goes from point A, to point B.


The very basics (for me)

  • AI should be always behind player/ leader.
  • AI should be able to use cover and observe potential entraces inside or outside.
  • AI should be consistent in terms of spotting.
  • AI should be able to detect mines, barbed wires and using shortcuts.