FNAB-43 Prem Squad Review Is It worth It?


Mp24 - 20 rounds mag, not 40

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Italy always worth :+1:
moreover it is not so bad it does its job even if it shoots slow

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Nice! Yeah I picked this up a couple days ago. I find its best function is holding/taking objectives during Invasion.

I’ll confess, due to the fact I use this squad mainly in close quarters/house engagements. I have swapped out the +100% climbing perk on each soldier to the +75% medpack usage time which reduces medpac down to 2.5 seconds which enables these guys to get up rapidly and rejoin the fray. Otherwise the perks seemed fine!

Thanks for the vid

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Shit you right…RIP.

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Kina like the slow rof though. Feels like using a StG on med range.

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It is pretty good in the 10-30 meters I will say that for sure. I enjoy the squad a lot and happy I picked it up. I’ll probably try to give away it as a free squad next month or something just to help players with the axis side of Tunisia.

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It’s probably the best premium squad in Tunisia.

Full upgraded fnab on this early campaign levels for the price it’s highly recommended to get.
Gun 2hit kills with low recoil per bullet, stable conefire and stable low firerate that everyone will control on ads.

I recommend it to everyone.

The only sad part in this, and every 4 man squad,… We are unable to get more soldiers on the squad. The sad part on any premium squad… Anyway…

On the other hand, sten mk3 on alies side, have a strange recoil per bullet fired making it a grasshopper.


Most important perk…the hats.


Oh yeah. Ahah
If you have the premium tanker squad, they ill come with said hats too.

Looks so gay lol


Great video, I love anything about the Italians! I would have jumped on this squad but I like at least a little historical accuracy, and I’m disappointed in their choice of a late war smg from the many impressive Italian smgs that actually existed in Tunisia.

I am a little disappointed that there was no history about the unit or gun represented, I find the story of the bersaglieri fascinating


Going to be a separate video. A lot of people have expressed to want just the information about the game while a lot of people want the history behind it as well. I am going to do my best to give both sides but for the bersaglieri I feel they need their own video.


Can’t wait to see it; and I forgot to mention that I love your work, keep it up!


Will stick the bell or whatever so I see it.

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Thanks man I appreciate it!