Flying fish on Beauxfighter

Does anyone know where the best place to put any stickers (I have flying fish so I want to know about that one) on the Beauxfighter so people can actually see it? Thanks mates!

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Wherever it looks prominent is the only answer - likely the sides of the fuselage behind the wing or outside of nacelles.

But no-one else is going to get a really good look unless they are flying in formation with you.

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The only thing that matters, is that YOU see it!

When your mood seems down, that you feel nuking troops on the ground is boring…

Remember that you serve King and Country!

And that you have a nice girl waiting for you back home!


Excellent point! :+1:


Thanks again for helping me out!

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Well, my Beaufifhter has the SLOW AND STEADY bm motto plastered front to back in max size so I can rub the salt in their wounds:P


Horizontal flying fish facing forward