Many people who play on the Axis side in Normandy have a dislike towards Allied CAS according to a poll I did. This is understandable, as for infantrymen there is not much of a counter for planes besides the poor AA guns. However, I have an idea for a CAS counter:
The Fligerfaust.

The Fligerfaust was a German designed, man portable, multibarreled rocket launcher that was designed to counter allied CAS. Made in 1945 it had 9 20mm barrels that fired in two volleys of 4 rockets then 5. Not produced in large numbers and towards the end of the war, they had little impact.
In game they would be equipped on AT gunners replacing their rocket launchers or AT rifles, with a total of 45 rounds. While not being extremely accurate, multiple people using them to target a low flying plane would create a dangerous barrage for enemy fliers deterring CAS.
Under 500 meters range might have been too little in real life, but could be very useful in Enlisted, where planes tend to fly very low for ground attack.
My only concern is, that these things might turn out to be too good against infantry, since I have no idea what the spread and explosive power were like. Could this thing perhaps be used as a mega-shotgun?
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They could just neuter them vs infantry like they do anti tank launchers.
I guess it could be balanced by giving the allies the Stinger (but with better sights).
the allied CAS is what balances out the German better everything
and you want to brake that balance?
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Could be an event squad if nothing else
The allies on Normandy are the only campaign faction where explosives have possibly not been nerved on their CAS Seeing those things and Lone fighter carpet bombing one section of the map is absurd
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No I just thought it would be a cool weapon.
Besides it would require teamwork which is mostly non existent.
I like the idea, but with one suggested change:
Instead of it taking the place of the AT launcher, make it come in a crate that can be built by the AT squad engineer.
When picked up, it acts as its own standalone weapon, so if you switch to something else, it drops it on the ground, and follows similar despawn rules as standard weapons. Though as long as its still on the ground, you can pick it back up still.
This way, the crate could be placed in advance, and when it is needed, they can grab it from the crate, and try to deal with the aircraft.
If someone else picks it up, you get like 18 points, but if they take down a plane with it, you get 50% of that score as an assist.
Sounds like such a niche weapon, that it would probably be either golden or event reward.
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Well. Give it same splaah dmg as launchers and its fine.
Ok that’s nice, but why would this be only for germany with no equivalent for others like the US let alone the Soviets ? I have always heard that US close air support is a pain for germans, but no one cares about the fact that German planes are also really anoying. The Ju-188 is easily able to wipe half a team in one pass on a cap point with 6 x 250 kg bombs, and the Bf-110 has both decent rockets and high caliber guns to deal with tanks and infantry. I concure that US planes are probably better than German ones but there is also the fact that German tanks are better than their US. DF should buff AA gun for everyone rather than give personnal AA weapon to only faction.
Another good reason to restrict it as golden weapon.
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Or maybe just learn to shoot small arms at planes?
as a gold order weapons perhaps for anti tank trooper or enginners, why not.
( due to it’s very limited usage… and poor efficency )
I somehow feel it would end up within the “volkssturm paradox” range.
Created too late to be in early war matches, but too ineffective against late war stuff to deserve a high BR.
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Idk why people say it will be ineffective.
In BFV it was so good it made all the YTs and streamers cry pure salt to the point they forced the devs to nerf the gun.
Yeah different game… as BFV has a better gun gameplay.
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I have an idea for the allies coming soon…
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